

If you’re remotely decent at the dating game, you have access to a waiting list of other partners. That one you’re with has to now practically set your soul alight within 10 days to keep you from going back to the well. It’s nuts.

How about - “I’m happy to make the cake for you, but I feel uncomfortable writing that - I’ll let you borrow my frosting writer thingy”

If you were a sign maker, should you be compelled to make a “god hates fags” sign for the WBC?

Right, let’s do nothing instead.

This should absolutely not be publicly available except for an official request made involving specific incident. For privacy of the wearers and everyone they encounter during their shift. Additionally, the material captured could aid criminals, if they started studying patrol routes and patterns. It should be plenty

Sure, but when I buy a Coke Zero, I get a Coke Zero, not a can of nothing that costs $100 a month and $1,000 to cancel.

Women don’t need a site like this. Period. Women are more likely to gain affection from someone at work, or an old friend / former lover. If they can’t / don’t want to get with someone they know, they can go online, post a nearly blank profile with no photo, and can still convince men to meet them. They can even tell

Yup - same here. My target dating demographic is 38-46. I’m drawn toward independent urban progressive women. But sometimes, OKC gets it horribly wrong. I’ll see a picture of the profile-owner in the desert, in her underwear, a viking hat, and giant boots, and I’ll be completely turned off.

The absolutely hilarious part of this is that, if she said, “You know what? Sure!” she would be up to her eyebrows in cock, while he fumbled around endlessly, eventually getting arrested for solicitation of an undercover cop on backpages.

To be fair, it played up the Argo part of it - the “truth is stranger than fiction” angle (more than a pro-US part). That was a more movie-worthy story than “Really Nice Canadians”. And if nothing else, this film did bring the actual events to light, so way more people know how it.

studies show [marriage is] a way better deal for men anyway

I agree that you should disclose about std’s you know you have. But not for HPV.

Boys should be vaccinated to protect unvaccinated women - older women etc. Plus it’s not mandatory.

Interesting fact - HPV’s cancer connection was discovered because someone figured out that nuns never get cervical cancer. true story.

Why is it the unique responsibility of men to inform their partners? There is no generally available test for men (only invasive tests performed for studies such as this), and (outside of the less dangerous warty strains) no symptoms, so men can never know whether they have it for certain.

Fair enough - he acted out and that’s immature and crappy. You can get annoyed at the crappy behavior, but not at the fact that his feelings are hurt. That’s the biggest risk of being in casual mode, that one of your partners (or perhaps you yourself) are going to feel rejected.

Charming. You know, having zero empathy doesn’t make you some kind of cool cat.

One thing all this “sex is no big whoop” people may want to think about it is (a) Herps and HPV are everywhere and condoms don’t protect as well against those, as with HIV/others. Also, (b) those great contraceptives that offer 99+% protection, offer 0-1% lack of protection.

My ex wife considered it cheating. And cheated on me (in the factual sense) in “revenge”.