
I’m a guy who gets woozy in certain situations (reading in cars, watching other people play FPS’s on big screens, riding on boats on the ocean). But I will say something. I tried Google Cardboard, and that was a big old NOPE! for me - too much lag, too low a framerate. Major nausea.

They cut the video right before the skin-guy crumpled into a pile, like old sheets.

Half of it was mine - the new couple. Either me or the other person fall in love before the other - plays out the same every time. Even if the other person catches up, it’s forever unbalanced, the early bird gets too frustrated and bails.

He could have done literally anything else beside slam her down face first (if you look at the other video, he airlifts her and pivots her face first into the floor, with a horrifying crack). It’s not like she was a 300lb whacked out guy brandishing a kitchen knife; she was a tiny unarmed drunk woman, with stringbean

I also gravitate towards strong, independent women. Thing is, the ones I end up with are also generally quite mean.

Nah - non-cops are trained in techniques to to takedowns and holds (security guards, prison guards, special ed teachers, etc) that will not cause injury. He just flat out used his weight and strength advantage to slam her - no technique, no regard for her safety.

My best friend moonlighted as a hospital security guard while in college. They received training in holds and takedowns, because the facility had a lockdown psych ward and “lively” ER.

In the ongoing conflict between science and creationism

SPCA all the way!

They should just drop the whole “having pets is wrong” position. Pet owners are the mostly like people to back PETA’s other causes. I believe in much of what PETA’s about. But when they hint that I’m a jerk for having a dog?

The book is supposedly outstanding, but for me, the old-timey writing style put me off.

Plus she’s a “fearless” actress (meaning she gets nekkid a lot heh).

You know what? I’d love that too, and I’ve not even read the book. Maybe I should just read the book.

I’m sure one or more of the wives will be “spunky”

The point of these kinds of “cocktails” is to not get drunk, but to help you maintain that pleasant 2-3-drink buzz for an evening. It’s super tricky - if you stop cold, you get sleepy, if you keep going, you get drunk.

Dump a can of hormels chili in there and Bob’s yer uncle.

I’m all about Retro when on the road. On the road right now, with my corporate laptop loaded to the gills with retroarch & roms. Plus shaders to make it all look like I’m playing on a fuzzy 1982 TV. Played some Phantasy Star (Sega Master System) last night.

They could close every episode with, “In Beijing, they serve it as food”. Now I’ve never been, but I have been to Shanghai several times, have visited restaurants, and talked to locals about this very issue. Suffice it to say, if it moves, they eat it, and, like, every part of it.

There is a way to carefully align both side mirrors to all-but-eliminate the blind spots. Most people don’t have them set right.