
Le Scréw?

Cut to 200 years from now.

Exactly - I inwardly fume when I hear about some well-off family that has 4-6 kids. They feel super entitled to it because they're able to support them, and are so bloody "warm and loving", forgetting about the huge additional burden they placed on the planet. Their decision to not stop at 1 or 2 created loads of

Thing is, wilderness is a finite resource, and one of the most precious things we have on this planet. It should continue to be off limits, and us big brained humans should think of other ways to fund our ridiculous population growth.

For a guy who claims to be more liberal than conservative, you sound like Limbaugh on this issue. He's a big fan of the idea that nature exists to be exploited for short term gain.

Right - the image on a tablet is great. Their terrific to hold, and look at. Maybe occasionally swipe at. But holding and constantly poking at them is a bit uncomfortable for extended periods.

I’d strap a box jellyfish to my head if it meant I would actually feel like I’m inside an Elder Scrolls game.

Thing is: until and unless science finds a way to push visual information into the brain while bypassing the eyes (which would also be the end of blindness as a thing), VR will have to put stuff into the eyeballs, and block out outside info. Something like this or smaller maybe the best we could hope for (swimmers

Yeah, and I like gross shit. Yuck, I’m ill. Had to stop after 2.

10 years ago I was taken to a hostess bar in Kabukicho by a local colleague. His English was only so-so, and he said something about going to a place "with girls". I told him, "No thank you - I'm a married guy." And he said, "Don't worry."

I didn't watch the video - what does Ric Okasek of the Cars have to say on this subject?

Same thing here - only I was 24. Was given a 485sx/25 with 4MB. Kept upgrading it. First with sound/dc room, then RAM, then a 486dx/50, then more RAM.

The amount of time spent on graphics supersedes gameplay mechanics

It's universally true that men are more desperate than women when it comes to dating. A decent-looking guy has to work harder than a decent-looking woman. That's just the nature of things. So it stands to reason that it applies not just to the 8's and 9's, but also the 3's and 2's.

Dude - we should totally start up a thing Endless avenues for finding women, none for finding new bro's to hang out with. Instead of short messages, just send URLs of "shit you find funny"

I mean this in all sincerity, and maybe you've already tried this. Why not ask an ugly, successful woman out?

late-30's/40's dating is a piece of cake. Most of those life pressures are off the table. Just a couple of people, either with kids already or no interest in having any, getting together when they have free time. Usually both parties have their lives together to some extent, and can't remember the last time they slept

I agree - a midday coffee date has no built-in sense of excitement. No possibilities. It's basically "Is this guy/girl ugly in person? Is he/she a weirdo?"

You can venture off to parties and barbecues.

I'm really not sure what I'm looking for