
Heck, I don't even loathe Jar Jar any more.

Admittedly I'm an outsider, but I know exactly what you mean.

I think I've seen a little of it over the years. When I traveled there a few times in the early aughts (01-03) it was all dark suits all the time (it seemed nuts to be in an IT / server farm environment and see everyone dressed like CEO's). Came back in the teens (11-14) and saw way fewer suits and even fewer ties.

I've spent a lot of time in Tokyo on Business & talked to a number of colleagues about work/life. (not that I was grilling them about it - it's just a common topic of conversation among colleagues the world over). What I gathered is that, while there are certainly loads of people putting in crazy hours every day, it

On an individual level, and especially among young people, there is not so much outright racism/xenophobia. And culturally, they are outwardly outstanding hosts. Plus, they travel abroad like crazy. There is, however, deep ingrained stuff - maybe even a bit of old timey "uber alles"-type superiority. It's

Having (jealously) watched videos of people using the DK2, the number one complaint they have is of frame rate. when it's steady 75FPS, they're loving it, almost regardless of the graphical beauty. When it's really well rendered, but drops frames, it's stinky. You rarely hear complaints of lack of photorealism -

Think about PC games - they use sliders to accommodate a wide variety of systems. PS4 would only have to have two settings: Standard and VR. The VR setting will automatically drop models/textures/draw distance/post-processing effects in order to handle the requirements of the headset, and maintain a rocksteady

At this point in time, where it's cheaper, the Kinect is essentially dead, and there are plenty of games for both, I think one can say that MS has mostly cleaned the poop out of the bed.

True enough, but as a former decades-long pc gamer, I simply got tired of gaming at my desk. The 80" TV and buttery soft leather sofa and ottoman are where it's at (and no, I'm not going to ruin the space with a loud, ugly gaming pc.

Actually, the shit she's getting done is "stuffing her bank account" with sweet youtube dollars and appearance fees. She's playing both sides for suckers and laughing all the way to the bank. Ms Sarkeesian is not in the "making games better for women" business; she's in the "making green for Anita" business. And I

That report, while excellent at highlighting the problem, neither refutes my post, nor bolsters yours.

I know exactly what you're saying. I see it a lot in my upper-upper-middle-class 'hood. Some men (certainly not I) make so damn much money, it would be seem almost pointless to work (especially when you have little kids). Seriously, it's insane how much money these guys make. Is it finance or something? they

that rep should be retired - what a dinosaur.

I agree it's a big deal - I live it every day. I would say that being a code monkey is not sweet career it once was, because it's altogether too easy to off/onshore. But IT and infrastructure are still huge and complex, and require local teams to maintain, design, architect, and operate.

This is actually very, very wrong. I work in a humongous IT company, and they are dying to hire more women into IT, hardware, and software engineering roles.

She gives off a Jolie-like vibe, like, above it all, when she hasn't yet nailed a performance, though given a crazy amount of chances in well-written movies.

True enough - they are a good way of weeding out. For me, it's references to Jesus, Country Music, Eat Pray Love, photos involving ziplines, skydiving, or indoor rock-climbing.

Tinder is a waste of time unless you're an 8-and-up guy, or a 5-and-up girl.

I find that the women I get on best with don't necessarily share my specific interests, rather share a similar outlook, attitude, core values, intellectual curiosity, and sense of humor. That's harder to pick out of a lineup. Sometimes you can tell by reading the way the write their profile, but usually it take a

They can, but go on a Tuesday at 7, not a Friday at 9. Or go to a bar a quirky restaurant. If you're meeting someone at Party Central, exactly, you blew it. You'll clearly be the people having the least fun.