
I’m so sorry, there are really no words. Wishing ease, peace, and comfort to you and your husband. 

Those are hella cute! I agree, save the fun decor after your smaller party and have a big one with friends at a later date. 

I’m okay with this.  I love when a story knows when and how to end. 

“And of all the things that gave her the courage to go without a wig, it was going to watch Black Panther and seeing the Dora Miljae.”

That was a masterful move from Warren in that video! I aspire to that level of teacher-focus. 

lol as a huge Ghost fan your username is cracking me up!

It’s not my kind of music, but that was a beautiful video.  A lot of my middle school-aged students loooooove BTS, and I can see why.  

Seconding Station Eleven. I don’t usually like dystopian fiction but that book is really beautiful. The exploration of the function of art/music/theatre in a post-apocalyptic world resonated with me.

Yes get up out of bed to those sweet bass vocals and drum machine! First and last and always! 

lol this is every day in NYC

Yup, very true re. boys respecting male authority more as they get older. 

Yeah, that’s some weird Oedipal shit right there. 

True, there are many other amazing cuisines to be found there. Almost anything you want! But the Greek food is well-deserving of its reputation, IMO!

I used to live in that exact neighborhood.  I miss the Greek food something fierce. 

But between that and your username you sound like a proper Tolkien fan! 

Agreed.  Not a sweater in July, though! 

Exactly, there are certain settings where nice, spontaneous interactions are fine. Parties, bars, other social events where you’re all there for more or less the same reason. And there’s no reason not to be nice to cashiers, receptionists, etc. But it’s ALSO part of the social code that you Do Not talk to people on

“I reject your hypothesis” is the evil twin of “I take your question.” 

Completely agree with your last paragraph. I love fanfic and still write it occasionally, but now that the internet is less anonymous it’s trickier. I’d love to easily share some of my fic with certain friends but I’m not gonna share it on my Facebook, for example. I really miss the days of LJ — but I prefer AO3 to

Agreed, thongs for leggings or other very tight clothes only! Cheekies are the worst for wedgies.