
As always, Jezebel must never miss an opportunity to crap all over the allies that it says that it wants, because they don’t do it exactly the right way.

Okay, so they’re going to remake it which is pointless since the first one is perfect and everybody’s seen it so they know the ending, or two, they’re going to change the ending and fuck it up.

Postcards After Hospice: She exhales, and we begin to learn how to live with the void of her absence

Unfortunately, I can’t get a foster pet (we have had plenty in the past) because our dog is still on restricted activity from ccl surgery. But she’s really really really happy because we are home a lot!

My siblings and I had an overly complicated version of “Last one there’s a rotten egg!” We would always say this line when running into the house, running to the dinner table, running to the Nintendo, running to the car, etc., etc. (ad nauseum) The sibling declaring this was always the one who jumped up first as they

Whenever I went to a store that had a stuffed animal display, I would silently say “food, food, food, water, water, water” so I knew they were all taken care of. I was a silent stuffed zoo keeper. 

My sisters and I would pretend to be mermaids eating fish guts whenever we ate pepperoni pizza.

I was a very advanced reader and “gifted,” so I was reading long before I knew all the words used in a book or could pronounce them correctly. I also was sensitive.

I wish so, too.

I just wish someone would give me a “yes” or “no”. I have a mask pattern, I have all the equipment and massive stashes of fabric. I could be churning out 100 masks a day if someone would just give me a firm “yes”.

You’re missing the point of the article. It’s not “my life sucks”, it’s “even though my life is awesome I am still angry about this and I hate that I am angry and I am ashamed that I am angry because I know that so many people have it worse”. There are lots of people in this situation right now; this article is for

If I recall correctly, a few years back there was a bit of an uproar about because when Pelosi was asked about the Squad, her response was that well they’re only four votes. It was seen as disrespectful, which was somewhat hilarious considering how the Squad had acted towards Pelosi, but I think something that was

I’ve known I didn’t want kids since I can remember even understanding the concept. But my sibling and bro-in-law are both frontline workers, required to report for duty during this pandemic or lose their jobs. As such my husband and I took in their two kids since we are both allowed to work from home. I know this is

What I got from this is that AOC is actually trying to figure out how best to push her agenda, even if that means playing ball with the centrists every so often. HOW DARE SHE!!!! Despite her outsized and frankly deserved influence in the political and particularly progressive scene, she seems to understand that she’s

As someone considering their life path in the next few years, I thought I wanted a kid.

I neglected to tell you that I am sorry you are going through all this.  It sucks.  It will suck if you leave him, but from what you describe that is way less than the benefit to your mental, financial, and future health. 

Break up with him. 

Irked at many things. Boyfriend wants to dictate when we are both sober. Yet in the past when we do that, he drinks while I don’t. I’m over it. If I want to have one glass, I want to have one glass. Further, he is thinking about Postmates as some side hustle because his small business is totally tanking. My father

It can be more than one thing.

“a cat named G-Spot (get it?)”