
All hat and no cattle

Maybe because they had virtually no evidence of negligence after discovery?

No, fuck you.

OK, so they’re some of the most liberal ever. That’s like being the world’s tallest dwarf. SCOTUS Justices skew more conservative in general.

Yes, they were told to not try to invade the Israeli border. Hamas insisted they did, and this is the result.

Glad you are providing the pro-Hamas viewpoint for ideological balance.

Ew, no. They’re fucking gross, and you are probably a bad person since you have this disgusting opinion.

So why was Obama’s ostensible nominee a Republican that hates the rights of the accused?

No, lol.

Yea, it was all five of the Jill Stein voters to blame.

I lived in Miami for an awful long time and it’s pretty fucking racist, too.

I’ll believe she’s gone away when she stops doing stuff that a 2020 candidate would do.

Weighted blankets, too.

Nothing was more emblematic of the institutional rot at the core of the Democratic Party more than when she stepped down from DNC chair during the campaign due to her malfeasence on Hillary’s behalf, only for Hillary to hire her for some official position in her campaign.

Voted Denny yesterday, shoulda voted Cordray since my vote is usually the kiss of death.

I like that, “Debbie Wasserman-Loanshark-DINO.”

This is a solution in search of a problem.


Not if I ever wanted to speak to my parents again. They helped pay for that diploma, they were damn sure getting their ceremony out of it.