
Thank god. I wouldn’t vote for her and don’t need any more political dynasty type families.

Florida alum here, no one wants to see your bullshit on stage. Graduation takes way too much time as it is.

Celebrities hate celebrities? They’re JUST LIKE US!

Considering we live a long time with the consequences of previous administrations, we do have to take such things into account.

Author of this post starred my comment, and I’d rather have that than your approval.

So it’s like summer camp?

Honestly? Probably not. You don’t get to where she is and what she’s done without being some kind of sociopath.

If Obama’s legacy has been this easy to erase in 18 months, is it really much of a legacy?

This is absolutely horrifying.

Holy shit, Donald Glover isn’t funny or entertaining, at all.

...Dick joke

Why does that make her awful? Mel Brooks has dressed up like Hitler a ton, and that’s fine.

That’s seriously insulting to the mentally ill.

Looking forward to 30,000 words by Billy saying absolutely nothing on this topic Monday.

Can’t wait for all the Hillary dead-enders to start braying about “being a Democrat” or about being “pragmatists” that know how politics work. And of course the anti-Semitism endemic in the black community.

Was hoping someone else noticed that.

And a Rick and Morty reference to boot. Noice

Doctor Z. remains my favorite football writer, ever.