
Eh...first off, I’m not going to count on the fact that they’re taking bribes, more likely they’re just gigantic assholes who actually believe Federalist Society type bullshit...lord knows nobody has to pay Thomas for him to keep assholing his way through life.

That war started decades ago when Republicans first started predicting demographics changes. They’ve been waging it for years. Most people are just starting to see it now.

Alito is right that some abortion proponents had eugenic agendas in terms of decreasing the black population and sadly it did happen, but FUCK ALITO! He’s a Klansman in black robes—-he doesn’t give a damn about us; he’s using that eugenics shit as an excuse/justification; he’s more concerned about white women having

Anyone catch the part where Alito implies that being pro-choice is actually eugenicist to help absolve himself of how fucking terribly this is going to affect people of color?

That means Chief Justice John Roberts, who was nominated by Republican President George W. Bush, joined the three associate justices nominated by Democratic presidents in dissent.” I’m not sure what the “that” is in the preceding sentence, but the Politico article did directly address that assumption:

Most people have no sense of how far beyond reproductive rights this goes. Yes, any ruling that the Constitution allows the state (or at least states) to violate the most intimate aspects of bodily autonomy is horrendous on its face — and we must absolutely not forget that. In order to overturn Roe, though, the

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.

It is the privately owned ordinary cars that are the true losses, because those are cars people cared enough for to tranship rather than replace. They meant something to someone, and that is a shame to lose those emotional connections.

This. Exactly this.

The WTF moment was not when Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Smith. The WTF moment was when Will Smith got up from his seat, walked onto stage, and slapped Chris Rock in front of the world. Please don’t make the story about the dumb joke. The dumb joke did not make Will Smith get up there and smack Chris Rock. Will

Will has been repeatedly emasculated by his wife on her show over the past year and he takes it out on Chris Rock over a very tame, some might even say a very lame joke. Will Smith is a COWARD. He would NOT have slapped a white comedian making that joke.

I actually thought it was better in person than pictures, unless things went downhill since the beginning of the month.

I’m fairly sure one day I’ll end up writing:

My Wife And I Own A Couple Of Dozen Cars, The City Isn’t Happy About It

These are the same people who raise like a million dollars through GoFundMe for killer cops.

Excessive force? They barely used any, it certainly wasn’t on par with the force used against actual peaceful protesters who had the temerity to protest while not being white.

It’s gonna be Paul. That’s so Paul.

“Doing what god commanded”?

A Georgia pastor and his first lady

A religious organization is actually a harmful scam? Shocked, shocked I tell you! Up next at News at 11: our investigative reporters reveal that water is wet.