While cops are out there murdering unarmed black Americans without due process, the so called American “Justice System” has time to coddle and placate rich white male criminals all day, every day.
While cops are out there murdering unarmed black Americans without due process, the so called American “Justice System” has time to coddle and placate rich white male criminals all day, every day.
You can also be a Black woman who calls out racism and get fired for that so....
As a Bears fan, I’ve spent his entire career marveling at his greatness and dismissing at all of the chatter about his character, because he was always above it and refused to acknowledge it, while being probably the best QB of his generation.
I can, one of the ones they did pick shills snake oil and appears to be at least somewhat anti-vax. I gave up on it years ago after they introduced the video daily doubles and made the questions easier anyhow.
I still can’t believe they were considering letting a non-science-believing asshat host a show that depends so heavily on science.
He was doing that when Covid was but a mere glint in the eye of a dude who wanted to eat a bat.
Shut up and throw the ball, meat.
I mean that whole segment was Emmy worthy. I assume Dominique will be out of a job soon for those comments. Also what is it with Green Bay QB’s & acting like assholes? From Favre to Rodgers they have produced two of the most self-absorbed, loathsome creatures to ever step under center. Oh Don Majkowski was no nice guy…
I know Trump’s legal strategy is “throw shit at the wall and see what sticks,” but goddamn is “They shouldn’t be allowed to investigate me because they might find something” a brazen fucking strategy
How soon until he stars in a porno?
Rahm is absolute garbage and a perfect example of the corruption of money in politics.
It’s time to start punishing the troglodytes that vote for king troglodytes like Manchin. Any federal aid or assistance heading towards West Virginia and the rest of the red states of the new confederacy needs to be stopped by whatever means possible. They are a millstone around the neck of the United States and they…
Democrats are just awful as a national organization when it comes to this shit. Conservatives have had a laser-like focus on the big picture for the last couple/few decades, and it has paid dividends. It doesn’t hurt that their voters find everything to be an existential threat worth dying over. It is entirely…
Thank you. That needs to be the focus. Instead of staying home and saying “earn my vote” how about getting up off your asses and doing all that you can to make this wanna be bitch ass diva irrelevant. Sadly this small man loves this attention. This is his fifteen minutes and sadly he is milking it for all it’s worth
in my youth, Mixed and matched shit that probably should have killed me and I never started spouting off racist shit.
The Advocate is reporting that screenshots of 2019 and 2020 Facebook posts suggest Lafayette City Court Judge Michelle Odinet was trying to capture a person suspected of burglaries in her neighborhood.
Opps, looks like she accidentally took Niggatrol PM Xtra Strength®