

This guy has the exact amount of fundamental reasoning power that I would expect out of someone who spent his teenage and young adult years being told by millions of prepubescent boys that he’s the smartest and funniest guy they’ve ever seen.

This dude has the exact amount of foundational reasoning power that I would expect out of someone who spent his teenage and young adult years being told by millions of prepubescent boys that he’s the smartest and funniest guy they’ve ever seen.

They certainly work faster.

Mmm, those sweet 5 minute “clap reviews” that will be coming... “they’re going to have to take this one to the booth, maybe get a velocity reading on that hand motion.”

Definitely just due to competition anxiety and not extreme hormonal imbalances caused by untested and unscreenable PEDs...

“John throws it to John,
Now John is running from behind,
John is tackled by John,
John picks up the loose ball,
John pitches it right, to John,
John’s on a tear, he’s past midfield!
But wait, here comes John!
John pitches it off to Gareth, narrowly missing John in the process!”

It’s funny because you think these ‘data warehouses’ don’t already have every bit of pertinent information on you already... 

Yeah, I’m sure everyone would come around and love Golden State again if they just got rid of Green... THAT’S the reason everyone is hating on them.

Don’t worry, she’s less than 4 years away from 30 at this point - Fox will take her out back and shoot her soon enough. But then we’ll just get another bimbo-clone to take her place... Shelley Thompson or some shit like that.

“It’s fixable and I can fix it.”

“Can’t you see we’re trying to improve the lives of the city’s most unfortunate by funneling billions of dollars into the tourist district!?”

GOP Motto - A rising tide lifts all boats, and also helps to flood out all those poorer people that are complaining all the time.

I..... feel like I probably should have finished eating dinner before clicking on this article...

My favorite part is how the guy suggests she get a way, way stronger punishment then that Dr. Dickweed guy did for videotaping children in a bathroom because she dropped a cat to the ground from 5 feet.

Articles like this make me glad that this site is dying. 

Fuck the kids.

No no no, I’m not saying fuck the kids. I’m saying FUCK the kids.

That’s true... the ‘strategy’ of having to try to build up your trance on random battles before facing a boss was ridiculous at best. Luckily, the game was so easy in general that the Trances didn’t really make a difference besides just adding some nice fX and shortening battles slightly. 

Also take note of the repeated use of the word ‘prostitute’ to refer to them - not ‘women,’ ‘girls,’ ‘ladies,’ etc. They want to dehumanize and defame them as much as possible, so that not even their memories or statements matter.

“No there were no children there, there were only teenage prostitutes, and you know you

Hell, I’ll chop Mike Vrabel’s dick off it will bring us home a ‘ship.

This just in: Guy with a lot of money thinks that more problems should be solvable by throwing money at them.