
I read this article and was absolutely baffled at the message. Is NYTimes condoning becoming a sugar baby? Why are they seeking/writing about the advice from these women? Telling their story is one thing, but to actually entertain that their lifestyle might be something to aim for is not only questionable, but a

Where the hell is your HR dept?? You can miss me with your workplace physical contacts

I wanted to insert a math joke here but I am bad at jokes so simply, please fix the headline to read ‘addiction.’

Thanks Doc.

I thought this episode was boring with a side of not a lotta plot or real character development. Status quo remained, no real drama, Garnet will be back together by next episode, and the Crewniverse is really trying to normalize bratty tyrant Pink Diamond. Remember, genocide suddenly becomes not okay when your ruler

I just bought an S9 and planned on immediately taking nudes. Not even to send, just to christen my phone.

Quality post!

someone must have dissed his fly girl

my first thought was that he plans to die before this is done.

Janet is wearing a t-shirt.

Donald getting his thoughts and prayers in early to beat the political rush. #bebest

These both sides arguments are always bullshit. Either you are for social justice for everyone or you aren’t, none of this half-assed shit. Transwomen are women and are in danger when they are placed in male facilities. Because no other facility exists to house them (not that there should be because e have seen what

I hope these fuckers are sued under the Constitution. This must count as cruel and unusual punishment.



I love everything about this comment, from the beginning to the fake language Esperanto. THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT.

They really do not know how to read a room. You should not be translating North and South Korea cooperating in the Olympics as “yes, the world want us to bomb ‘em and start a nuclear war.”

I work with teens in group homes. They are generally kids of color (and quite a few are LGBTQ). Every year, without fail, these kids go AWOL during the Super Bowl. They return with a lot of money and other luxurious items, bragging how they ‘worked.’ This leads to other kids getting recruited.


As a black woman, I can say without shame that the second best fried chicken Ihave ever had was in Japan (grandma’s fried chciken always comes first, of course). Ever since I found out anout my wheat allergy, I have been desperate in my search for delicious fried chicken. The only place that comes close is Friedmans,