
So good.

I think the point is that any automatic assignment of gender roles is "evidence of patriachy".

"They were designed by very smart engineers who decided to do less with more."

┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

I know, I was just being snarky about the $60k Hyundai. :P

Hell to the yes I did. In the app store, but for some strange reason it wasn't the first result when searching for "Google Maps".

Indeed. And it'd be a wise investment, too. You'd never have to pay for your own meal again.

"you get what you pay for".

"You just have to be explicit"

I completely agree with everything you just said. That's the troubling part of the RTW laws, for me: it's not the laws themselves, but that they are occurring during a period of such increasing inequality.

I agree about the RTW states and purchasing power point. That's why I was careful to say "coincidentally" when pointing out the Cost of Living Index. I would say that it's more than likely that other factors apart from RTW laws explain why the cost of living in RTW states happens to be lower than in CBS states, on

For what it's worth, I've never seen a cyclist pulled over for using the sidewalk. Does that happen anywhere?

Please, feel free to use complete sentences while explaining what those bad assumptions are.

Thank you for this comment. I was trying to explain to my wife (we're both fairly liberal) last night why these right-to-work laws really aren't as bad as some people want to make them out to be.

[cues Sarah McLachlan music]

In fairness, if they moved away from Nebraska they were probably already hipsters. This state has only three kinds of people: rednecks, hipsters, and out-of-state transplants.

I can honestly say I don't ever want to go to most of these airports.

If you had texted her to warn her of your arrival at the intersection, that would not have happened.

I have very much interest in the cars themselves, I just have zero interest or use for structured reviews of any sort for them.