
By using an Upgrade Module, you can infuse higher level gear into anything of a lower Power level, provided they’re both of the same category: kinetic weapons into kinetic weapons, leg armors into leg armors, and so on. This will destroy the high-leveled piece of gear but, in the process, boost the Power level of the

I could not agree more. I was instantly in love when I started the game, and after I got into the meat of the game I was so disappointed. Still good, but
squandered potential” describes it pretty accurately in my book.

But that will never happen. Thirty domestic incidents, that’s possible. Seventy domestic incidents, there’s an outside chance. But seventy-four misfortunes... I’d like to see that!

What time do the Super Bowl ratings st- ah fuck it.

Dogshit Super Bowl, featuring Tom Brady calling “Reagan! Reagan!” at the line, ends in Patriots win. This is what America deserves in 2019.

Well jokes on you, buddy, you missed a real barn-burner.

Nah, “Mr. Mike ‘Nuke the Gays’ Priefer” is his father. He prefers to just go by “Mike ‘Nuke the Gays’ Priefer”.

Underrated comment. 

+1 broken mold

How to Own Your Own Self-Own and Make Friends.

Alternate headline: “England, Talented But Young, Finally Play Good Team, Lose Predictably”

He said “inarguably”, not “arguably”.

This is the correct take.

(insert BREXIT joke)

What did Parks and Rec know, and when did they know it?!?! THAT’S THE REAL SCANDAL HERE!

+1 blue dress

Not sure if you were military and just shitting on JAGs, but it refers to land navigation, where azimuth means your clockwise orientation to North, and azimuth check simply means to ensure you’re still moving in the right direction.

Cheddar’s is a butt restaurant.


“I’m sorry Ms. Jackson’s career took a severe and unfair hit but I don’t begrudge Justin his success.”