A monetary system is not the same thing as capitalism.
A monetary system is not the same thing as capitalism.
I’m sure I’m being uncharitable, but it’s hard for me to read ‘I’m a high skill player who hates the idea of skill-based matchmaking’ as anything other than ‘the game is only fun for me if I can tell myself I’m making it not fun for someone else’.
Didn’t someone write about how Titanfall 2 was seeing a resurgence? Maybe people are getting sick of battle royales and seasons and junk. Especially junk. I’m so sick of junk.
Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.
You’re acting like this is somehow at odds.
As someone else said, people can have their viewpoints. We’re also still allowed to criticize them for it.
Not gonna check but nah, that’s not true.
Why not? It’s a perfectly cromulent word.
Nonsense. It gets just the right amount of milage.
Please note the shortage is caused by the panic.
What the article is say is that the real problem is people. If the last year has taught us anything, people are always the problem. We cannot trust people to do what is right and what will be most beneficial to everyone because they are afraid, selfish, and dumb.
You are far too generous. Some things in BL3 directly contradict prior information. Long story short, BL3's story is basically the equivalent of bad fanfiction. If I hadn’t played D3 I’d probably call it the worst game writing I’ve ever seen. To be fair, it still might be even worse. Which uh, says a lot.
“How many 12 year-olds were making $5 to $6 an hour when the minimum wage was $1.10?”
Because you’re a selfish prick.
It’s easy to have speed limiters defeatable for off-highway driving.
This is America, where it’s already illegal to speed, you dink.
Been here since 2017, pal.
Literally I have no idea. I’ve publicly called for a mandatory factory 85 mph limiter on all cars.
1. Not a highway.
2. Not sitting in the middle of, driving normally.
3. Not asking for trouble.
Two things can be true.