You have never been to Eppley Airfield. It's such weak sauce that I can't even find any pictures.
How strongly are acceleration and handling correlated with price?
"Taste may be relative, but there is some objective sense of flow and proportion. Even if people like the Nissan Juke, doesn't make it a good design..."
A few weeks ago he said, "Messi could have found Higgs-Boson if they'd have just asked him to!"
It's funny you say that, because for some reason that's exactly what my first thoughts of her were (the attention part). I have no idea why Amber Heard is famous, (ok, I do, same reason Megan Fox is famous) but after watching the Top Gear interview with her, she seems like the most fake person I've ever seen. The way…
Just wonderful. +1
Consistent excellence.
"Crews said the rollbar probably prevented the outcome from being much worse."
I wouldn't waste your time on this one, Sunhawk. GareBare's perspective is that there are just a ton of great female leaders in the military waiting for their chance to shine, and that all the men in the military are average slobs. You probably just don't understand that because you're a man, and men are unsure, more…
"that is solely due to discriminatory laws"
Being a woman doesn't mean you're automatically more likely to jeopardize your own career (this is honestly how a lot of military commanders see it) over a subordinate's rape that may or may not be proven in the quirky world of UCMJ trials. Assuming that the problem with military commanders' refusal to report rapes is…
"You say women would be less competent based on what facts? "
Assuming emotional and physical fidelity are necessarily connected is naive.
" don't get to 6 straight national titles without being given six straight opportunities over other conferences. That's all I'm saying."
Past results are no indication of future performance. Don't get me wrong, they have an impressive track record, but you don't get to 6 straight national titles without being given six straight opportunities over other conferences. That's all I'm saying.
In fairness, part of that is because they always get to play in it.
"Their TV contract with NBC was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in college football."