Probably (definitely) with less ease and efficiency than with an AR-15, 100 rd mag, 2 Glocks and a shotgun.
Probably (definitely) with less ease and efficiency than with an AR-15, 100 rd mag, 2 Glocks and a shotgun.
I think it looks fine... from the front. The weird, hump-back thing it's got goin on is odd, but that hardly renders everything about it ugly.
I wasn't aware I said otherwise.
I like this logic. All married/dating/otherwise taken people are FAIR GAME for singles. Bond a la Casino Royale would be proud.
Nah, it's definitely a warhead. With that in mind, I'm not sure it would actually even strike the target rather than exploding just prior to contact. I suppose impact force would factor in to it's total destructive capacity, but I doubt it would be enough to bring a conventional weapon's yield from sub-50 tons to…
"The game is all about the loot."
Exactly. 500kt is still a HUGE overestimation of a FAE ASBM. Most nuclear ICBMs don't have that kind of yield any more. Hell, China's own DF-31 nuclear ICBM doesn't use warheads that powerful.
No shame in accuracy, my friend.
Sunshine... Sunshine... Cillian Murphy? I'VE SEEN THAT MOVIE AND LOVED THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF IT! Thank you for reminding me of the name. May a majestic eagle carrying a hundred dollar bill land on your window sill tonight, good sir.
Frankly, I hate Runza, it's bland to the max. Never had Don and Millies, though.
Nebraska has no Waffle Houses or White Castles. Until recently we had only 1 Chick Fil A, and that was in an office building where only employees were allowed to eat at it.
Please tell me you pronounced it "Missourah" while you were typing this. You know what? It doesn't matter. That's how I'm reading it. Missourah.
I suppose I was a bit simplistic in my description of the penalty given to PSU. When you explain it that way it's obvious that the scholarship hit will affect the team for several years after the penalty itself is over.
This might be a repost... I'm having some issues here.
I agree with you totally. I was trying to reference whatever asshat it was who said that this punishment will be so severe that Penn State will wish they had just got the death penalty.
Wait... SMU's punishment back in '87 took them from National Championship contenders and made them irrelevant for over twenty years.
Bravo, apogee.