
My boyfriend is really focused on the orgasm and likes to make me come a bunch of times in any given session. It definitely makes him proud of himself that he can do this. For the most part, this is fun and I enjoy it, but he has trouble understanding that a. sometimes multiple orgasms are vaguely painful after a

I just asked my boyfriend this and while I chose cheese and he did not, we both agreed it was a horrible Sophie's choice situation that we would not like to make.

It's better than no sriracha at all, but I don't like it as much. It isn't as spicy. We made our own (the recipe we used called for honey not palm sugar) and it was better than this and not very labor intensive at all.

Most nail salons are not nearly as nice as this one. The comfie chairs, the personal TV's, and the relaxed environment sound like a considerable step up from what I'm used to. I can't speak for the OP, but that's the appeal for me.

I hate when they lose. It's still a ton of free publicity, which I bet no restaurant owner minds, but I still think it's an awful premise.

I as well was pleased to see this included.

My boyfriend has a cyst on his back that I want to go at so bad. I also lovvve to peel his skin after a sunburn. Gross, but satisfying.

I try not to pluck my nipple hair in front of him but he's definitely gotten a mouthful when I've missed one.

When my boyfriend farts in bed, he calls them methane cuddles. So warm.

I don't fart in front of my boyfriend, except for night winds. I can't help it if I'm asleep! He always talks about how his ex-girlfriend used to sit on his lap and purposefully fart on him and he hated it, so I try to avoid it, but he definitely openly farts in front of me, so I'm not religious about it.

NEVER ever. I just can't picture a scenario where that is necessary. I TRY not to fart in front of my boyfriend either, but I do sleep and I fart in my sleep but I do the best I can.

That sounds like a very positive thing to me. I wish my boyfriend was a reader...

They're such a good couple. That show has gotten a little...tired but they are reliably outstanding.

Alcohol works, too.

My boyfriend and I have been together almost two years. We're together almost every weekend from Friday-Monday morning, but not much during the week. We didn't have sex at all last weekend and I've been feeling bad about it all week. Not because I feel obligated (though I sometimes have sex when I'm not in the mood

This guy is a few dalmatians short of a litter. Here's something from his Facebook page:

My mom taught 1st grade and so had a very hard time naming my brother because virtually every male name they thought of she had known a little boy that she had some association with (often negative.) He ended up Ethan, many years before every little boy getting screamed at at the supermarket was an Ethan.

I'm also a Katie, but my great-grandmother insisted I was named Katherine because she claimed you don't name a child a nickname. I went by Katherine at school from 1st-4th grade because I thought it sounded more professional, but other than that, I've always been Katie.

He's just about the cutest.

SO DAMN CUTE. I want another Goldie so bad. They're just the best dogs ever. My favorite dog ever (a Goldie) really liked to clean out Yoplait containers and would get them stuck on his nose. He ate pretty much everything except lettuce which he would have nothing to do with.