
The Little Girl Who Wasn’t A Little Girl one freaked me out for MONTHS. I would freak myself out about it after my then boyfriend went to sleep, imagining a little girl appearing at the end of my bed. Just so spooky especially since multiple people saw her. 

Omg, usually it's the ghosty stories that terrify me, not the "real" ones, but I'm crying right now, this is the scariest thing EVER. 

For me it's that one and The Little Girl Who Wasn't Really a Little Girl. I have goosebumps just thinking about it. 

Or women of all colors with PCOS...I personally am totally Western European with a full forest of neck hairs that I used to pluck, but now I shave daily because it’s so copious and I can’t afford waxing. I also recently asked my mother, another furry white woman, why she was rocking a skirted swimsuit when I normally

Mary Singer has spoken about their relationship since the movie has come out and clarified that while it portrayed them as living across the street but no longer maintaining a daily friendship, that apparently was not the case; they were close until his death, she felt that they had kept their promise to one another

I think it’s from the same year as the truck one, but I scared myself crazy with the little girl in the bathroom that wasn’t really a little girl one. It might be because I’m from a small town where the chances of living in the and violent crime is so low, but the supernatural ones always scare me the most. 

I paid $650 for 28 days in rehab. I’m so glad I was lucky enough to hit rock bottom while I still had that sweet (incredibly expensive) grad school insurance.

My boyfriend managed to use it in the same sentence as the phrase “huge, furry testicles” the other day in reference to a feline friend of ours getting neutered and that’s when I knew our love was true.

I grew up with a Grey Bear. His parents were totally old hippies and I remember kind of side eyeing it because I usually don’t agree with naming children common nouns, but it kind of grew on me.

Oh god definetely not directed at you, I’m sorry!!

If anything, I’d say my polite, friendly cheerfulness is in spite of social anxiety, not because of it and who is to say it’s “superficial?” But by all means, go back to wherever you came from and enjoy the rude assholes you seem to prefer.

I think she’d been planning to wait for him to die, but everyone has a limit.

I have the new club m subscription box (if you live in CA and are a patient, check it out, it’s pretty glorious) and a cocktail. I would have started earlier, but it’s normally frowned upon to be intoxicated while teenagers are under one’s care.

I find it too drying, but my boyfriend uses a Neutrogena grapefruit exfoliating cleanser that has biodegradable microbeads; I think it’s becoming increasingly common.

I think the wording may have made her seem far more rude than it actually comes across. She’s very cheerful and kind and explains that she’s very tall, has knee pain, and you can’t do that with her behind her (I’ve heard her use.the wording, and was embarrassed by it, yes)...However if you were to respond with that

Oh it is absolutely not something I would say and I found it pretty embarrassing the time I was with her and she did it. However, she is very cheerful and friendly about it, and also explains why, so the wording and abbreviated version of her April may make her sound more cunty than it actually comes across. I dont

And you absolutely are free to do that! I personally would never say anything about it and was pretty mortified the times I’ve witnessed her do it, but again, it is super uncomfortable. However, I’d rather be physically uncomfortable than have any sort of verbal confrontation with a stranger so gonna pass on my mom’s

I’m only 5'10" but I still am even more uncomfortable when someone reclines, especially when the tray table is down. My mom is 6' and mostly legs and she will actually lean forward and say, “No, I’m sorry, you can’t do that.” I prefer to just be silently resentful, but I do think it’s a dick move.

The people responding disagreeing with you either aren’t very tall or they are also those horrible people who don’t respect the unspoken rule that middle seat gets both armrests.

I mean, fine, but unless this is a gender swap remake a la Ghostbusters I don’t really see the point. And now I’m amusing myself imagining that. I’m open to casting suggestions.