
Yeah, I guess if we're talking purely money saving, the other measures they're taking (besides showering together) are kind of stupid. But seriously, this couple needs to explore a 99 cent store near them.

You're dad sounds like my grandpa, though perhaps a touch more extreme. Was he a child of the Great Depression or have parents who were? This is apparently common behavior for that generation...especially the not throwing anything away thing.

Wow, when you put it like that, it seems even more disgusting.

My ex-boyfriend yelled at me when I used his razor because something something made him bleed when I used it. I don't know if it has to do with hair texture messing up the blades or if he just wanted me to use my own damn razor, but that's what he said.

He scrapes the shampoo suds off her head and uses them on his own. I don't know if it's disgusting, but it's definitely unnecessary because yeah, 99 cents.

The toothbrush and the razor is the bonkers-est? Not the part where they share the same strand of dental floss?

My dentist told me to use multiple pieces of dental floss per flossing. Maybe he's part of the dental floss lobby, but even if he's wrong, I feel like sharing dental floss is worse than not using it at all.

No, when we had a bigger shower, my boyfriend and I regularly showered together. I don't think anyone's arguing that's the gross part. Shower, fine. Even the shampoo thing isn't awful, but the toothbrush and dental floss thing is the worst.

Oh man, I never thought of that, but it's so true. (So wrong, but true). Especially if you're interested in rocking your own addiction, co-dependents are the way to go.

I've been 13 stepped on pretty hard and it is no fun. (I understand that having phone lists is good so newcomers can contact people when they need someone to talk to, but it also gives any guy at the meeting a way to get a hold of you, which is sometimes very uncomfortable. )

This may be beside the point, but her blog features some truly gorgeous sandwiches. (SILFs.)

I feel like he always looks like that at awards show. I remember a couple of years ago NPH teased him about being "way too famous for this bit" at the Tony's and he didn't even crack a smile. Why even go if you're going to so not enjoy yourself?

In Thailand, I stayed in a home with a little spray hose (like the kind you often see in kitchen sinks) installed next to the toilet for this purpose. It was awesome.

When I lived in Thailand, the toilet was accompanied by one of those little spray hoses like some people have in their sinks. It was awesome. Hose yourself down, wipe with a little TP, and be fresh and good to go. I've often thought about having one installed.

That's how they do it with toilet paper in a lot of the world because the plumbing can't handle even paper. That being said, it is kind of gross.

I would be ordering that right at this very moment except there is no way it will fit me. Maybe Etsy has something similar...they helped me find my Golden Girls t-shirt so it's possible.

I don't know about that, but she's been married forever and per her memoir, it's an open marriage so I wouldn't be surprised either way. So I'm still holding out hope for that Dolly-Kenny sex tape circa 1985.

I think you're on to something. Remember Jerry Orbach (Lennie Briscoe from the original Law & Order)? His facelift was THE WORST, though Kenny is definitely in the running. I love him, but he doesn't look like Kenny anymore.

She's amazing. Vince Gill once said that her voice was the finest instrument known to man and I'm inclined to agree.

I love it so hard. So...who thinks they've banged? I hope so. God, I hope so with all my heart and genitals. That being said, Kenny is looking alien with all the plastic surgery and it's definitely saying something that even standing next to Dolly HE'S the one who looks like they've overdone it. Still, love them so