The Internet says that it is a woman of ill-repute who is sexually promiscuous and may have sex for money. So...a whore?
The Internet says that it is a woman of ill-repute who is sexually promiscuous and may have sex for money. So...a whore?
I think "Oops I Did it Again" would also be an appropriate choice for someone who OD'd.
Can I recommend Tom Waits "I Always Take the Long Road Home"? It's a good one.
I think a background medley of Barbra, Bette, Tina, Cher, and Dolly will do nicely while my body decomposes at one of those federal body farms per my written wishes. Or just throw me into the's not like I'll know or anything.
Why was the strawberry late for work? Because he got stuck in a traffic jam.
Uh, don't you mean the best? I remember coming home with little dots of marker all over my nose. Those things were great.
My 35 year old brother likes to play this game in public forums like restaurants. He always wins too because he has no shame.
I call foreign McDonald's the American Embassy. It's so fun to see the variations, like the corn and pineapple pies in Bolivia.
So they are related! I kept hearing things about Robin Thicke and thinking they were talking about Alan Thicke. I'm really glad I was wrong. (Side note: how outdated are my cultural references?)
Ugh, my roommate just pulled the "she's really mature" thing when talking about a 17 year old he wants to "date" (he's 34). I told him "she's really mature" is directly contradicted by the "she's a junior in high school" part and that I was judging him hard.
I still don't really kn0w who he is and I don't care enough to Google it.
I thought the same thing. I can see how he might have gotten some of them when they were already out of the box, but the 3000 dollar one? Seems like that would have come in a box.
I'm from Santa Barbara too! I've never heard of this studio either, but how horrifying for our town to be associated with this mentality. I would say most Santa Barbarians are more likely to be outraged by this sort of thing than participate. And if we're throwing out local suggestions for yoga, I recommend Santa…
Your Presbyterians sound like our Unitarians. It varies from church to church, but for the most part US Presbyterians are moderate to conservative.
What state is that? That's a truly terrible law.
I'm partial to the Bloggess' cat names: Ferris Mewler and Hunter S. Tomcat.
I heard the recording on the news the other night and it went really similarly to this. It was basically, "Someone stole my wedding dress and I'm getting married today!" Operator: "What size are you?"
This reminded me of a great David Sedaris story called "The Sick Rat and the Healthy Rat," in which a healthy lab rat belittles her dying neighbor by claiming that he brought the illness on himself with his "hatefulness and negative energy." Then, the healthy rat gets injected with a needle full of AIDS.
I can't get enough of your cats! They're just so luxurious.
So fluffy!! She looks like our ladies, Gracie and Sara (who is kind of a bitch face, but the prettiest bitch face there is).