
So...happy cows really do come from California?

I was definitely rooting for the cat. Your kid hurting an animal? Not okay to just sit there and film it and laugh. People are the worst.

I see your point, but as soon as I heard the vows that Rob and Whateverhernamewas exchanged at their wedding I was like, "Nerds around the world shall be appropriating those words" and though I will not be one of those nerds, I can definitely see the appeal. "I am his, and he is mine, from this day, till the end of my

I'm pretty sure they're poached pears with some sort of nut brittle, but I could be wrong.

He's BEAUTIFUL. Goldies are my absolute favorite ever and I can't wait until I'm in a housing situation where I can have another one. I had one when I was a kid (he died the day I left to college) who was such a little thief. He could hoover up entire pizzas in the time it took you to go into the kitchen to get a

I as well am nervously smiley and feel kind of bad when people don't smile back at me, but I don't think it is a reasonable expectation for complete strangers to return your smile if they don't want to. I'm not from a big city, so it is pretty standard to smile and be smiled at on the street, but it isn't anyone's

Yeah, I think I'm just not going to think about this anymore because I totally swim at the YMCA almost every day.

This used to happen to me as a kid, but I always assumed it had more to do with all the pool water I accidentally drank.

Going to work stoned is the worst. Never again.

While you're probably right that "giving money is tacky" is a WASP thing, Emily Post doesn't actually say that giving money is tacky, but rather that ASKING for or expecting ANY presents, monetary or otherwise, is tacky. You aren't supposed to ask for cash or advertise your registry because there is the assumption

That's what Emily Post says and I'm inclined to agree with her on most etiquette issues. Assuming anyone should get you ANYTHING is tacky.

I don't know what your cheeseburger pie entails, but there is a recipe for just that on the back of the Bisquick box. (It's pretty tasty).

Same deal with the prematurely bald ones. Fat, bald ones? Yes, please.

He's allergic to cats, which obviously interferes with my foretold feline focused future. Also, I thought he was a really loud kisser. I'm still grappling with the cat thing (and considering the expense of one of those freaky bald cats), but the kissing thing seems to have resolved itself. I don't know if it has

I would fully Nair my sweet honey's back, if only for something amusing to do on a Friday night. He, on the other hand, would definitely say nay.

I love my big, fuzzy, bald man, too! I think there is a correlation between baldness and prowess in bed, but I could be biased.

I don't care whose yard it is, if there are milkcakes in there, I'm going in.

In our district, the vending machines only sell water and sugar-free gatorade-type drinks. But they can walk like, a block in any direction and get their fix.

Okay, I see what you mean, but compared to without a beard, it is still an improvement.

Maybe not for a personality, but a beard goes a long way to disguise a weak jawline or chin.