
Why are so many Americans so salty that lots of Brits and people from the former colonies call them skits? It's colloquial language. Chill.

Another week. Another rambling Perkins review full of creepily obsessive praise for Kate, fuming annoyance at any joke even approaching the edge, and bizarre rants about his personal life. This time we had the added bile of him recapping an entire Ebert baked potato bit rather than coming up with an actually original

This comment was better than the review. You had a lot of interesting thoughts I hadn’t considered. 

As soon as Weekend Update started with the Biden gags, my partner turned to me and said, “Dennis is going to whine about this.”

So, in the spirit of change, can we get a new SNL reviewer for 2021? Dennis has to be the most joyless creature on the planet. And he seems to hate doing this. Every single week this review turns into his pulpit on the wrongs of the world rather than reviewing the show. It wasn’t a masterpiece of an episode but a C

Dude. I loved both your long comments. They were knowledgeable, balanced in their criticism, and incredibly insightful. Reading Dennis can be extremely cringe, especially with the over the top praise he gives his favourite performers week after week. I honestly wish you wrote the reviews here.

Burr was great with what he was given. The sketch writers really do need to figure out more than just a vague premise without any twist, payoff, or even fall into insanity. They get tired, fast.

Dennis really seems to have trouble accepting that Weekend Update is not the Daily Show, except for maybe pre-Stewart Daily Show.

I don’t think they’re going full blown senile at all. I think Carrey struck a reasonable balance. With comic impressions you have to hook it on the widely known qualities of a person and like it or not, Biden has had multiple scenarios caught on video where his mind has seemed to wander. Be it going into rambles or

Wonderfully grotesque touch that Sarah the hand model lost her hand on the way out.

With an intro and outro, this concise paragraph should have been the review.

Surprised there was no mention of the exact visual replication of the ending to Casablanca with Midge wearing a very similar hat to Ingrid Bergman. But this time she doesn't get to go on the plane.

This episode deserved an A. This review is a joke. When can we get a new reviewer? Dennis has no joy in his soul except when Kate McKinnon’s onscreen.

Weird confusion by the reviewer. The villagers knew there was a stranger in town because the Mandalorian’s ship flew over in an extended shot that can only be described as “We’re establishing the villagers know someone is in town.”

You mention The Sting. That’s not a heist movie. That’s a grifter movie. Genre adjacent but not the same. Other examples include Matchstick Men and 9 Queens.

Oh look. Dennis picks Kate as MVP again for absolutely no reason... Shocker. 

Best episode of the season so far. Should have gotten a higher grade.

Why wouldn’t he? It’s yet another reason why an RBMK reactor cannot explode! And if you say otherwise you’re delusional and must be taken to the infirmary!

Arya’s efforts to push back against the patriarchal expectations on her as a “young lady,””

That Theresa May sketch was utterly awful.