
jealousy from an insignificant little TV critic”

They already do. It's not uncommon in nerd communities to self-identify as "autistic" to justify shitty behavior.

It’s not just them; I refuse to call Baby Yoda “Grogu.”

Welp, it could have been a LOT worse. 

Musk owned up to getting high on the podcast of NewsRadio second-stringer and MMA meathead Joe Rogan that time, but no need to bring up his subsequent memo to his employees that they’ll totally be fired if they show up high to work.

I get where you’re coming from, but saying that a person that you don’t like publicly acknowledging his condition “makes you feel sick” is not the good look that you think it is.

“Musk owned up to getting high on the podcast of Newsradio second-stringer and MMA meathead Joe Rogan that time, but no need to bring up his subsequent memo to his employees that they’ll totally be fired if they show up high to work.”

Maybe hand off the SNL reviews to someone else. This one was so curmudgeonly, old man yells at cloud.

I’m going to give Pete Davidson a little credit. Usually he’s the worst performer week after week. But he seems to be doing better playing various characters, instead of just being a teenager in a sketch.

a Peleton-like home gym mirror contraption (don’t think about it too hard)“

The Joe from Soul sketch would have been so much better if it ended up with the others actually being extremely jealous of him getting to go on rides with the doll, or if the doll came to life, or you know, if anything at all happened.

Thanks to that Murder Shows song, I now realize what my life has been missing all these years: Chloe Fineman in a short wig, low-cut dress and thigh-high boots. Yowza.

Wait, really? That was the joke? I didn’t get that was supposed to be his last name at all. That whole sketch was just a disaster, including with the live audience-- you kept hearing them titter like they were expecting the joke to land any second, but it never does.

“Don’t think about it too hard”

Half-way through now and, you know what? This is the most enjoyable SNL in aaaages. Why? I don’t really know. Leaning into the weird, most probably. Low expectations, probably. It's all so likable so far though. Thanks, SNL!

I’m guessing that Kate is helping with the writing. And that’s only because that’s how things work on SNL: you want to be in a sketch, then help the writers. Or be the writers.

I’ll never turn down more Ego, her Loco song from last week is still in my head. Also, Maya is coming back? She’s the best. Hope we get a Beyoncé impression that shit always kills me. I think Nick gets too much hate for his acting he was serviceable this week

I’ve said this before, but you’re always reviewing SNL as the show you want it to be vs what it is. You would like them to go harder on politics for example. You say that every review. Reviewing based off your expectations does not equal good reviews. I hate that crazy congress lady too, but it's not SNLs job to bring

I don’t know who likes it, to each their own I guess, but I find the barfly thing one of the worst recurring bits on modern SNL and I groaned audibly the minute I realized what was about to go down. I guess Kate likes it and she has enough seniority to push for it?... but Jesus, let’s do anything else.

I liked this episode. I’m not really familiar with the host but he was better than Daniel Levy and the other guy. The cast was enthusiastic; they had more energy than I’ve seen in a while.