Am I the only one who thought that Ann became really annoying and useless after the first palace?
Am I the only one who thought that Ann became really annoying and useless after the first palace?
Nah the battle royale mode is just the flavor of the month, it’ll pass just like the moba, team shooter, etc.
The current ones can get pretty boring, especially after you win. BUT, if a AAA dev gave the genre a good try I bet they could alleviate some of the problems.
But aren’t you tired? You should go to bed.
It’s hard to play Persona at night when I need to go to bed and they’re talking about how great the coffee is and I start getting a serious hankering for it.
I know, I’m amazed if what I buy on Monday lasts the week - especially f the cloves are small and you need to use several to get “one”.
Vampire Bears are no laughing matter.
I’m a decent cartoonist and I would LOVE to just get a big stack of imaginative kids drawings and turn them into fully realized illustrations. I get a big kick out of this.
It’s a delicate balance to give you nothing and let you learn as you go, while avoiding leaving you stuck at times.
Christ, I would hate to be with someone who demanded instant responses to texts.
I can understand time-sensitive texts, but my wife and I mostly call each other if we need an answer on something quickly. If we text each other, it’s largely information that can either wait, or that we aren’t expecting an immediate…
“If a chef is working in Tomato Town and wants to create table salt...”
Except the highlighted list is just the wandering MSF guys you could find in Phantom Pain. This acts as both a reference to that game and as foreshadowing of Survive’s hidden ending. In any event, if there was a message intended here, it was from Phantom Pain first. The only question is whether the Survive team knew…
Umm... it literally spells out KJP Forever. It’s clear as day, what’s desperate about it?
And here is the obligatory ignorant American... seriously Apples to Oranges are you high? Outside of Quebec our popular culture is 1:1 identical (people pretend to care about CanCon but we really don’t) and that is exactly what Trump is talking about. Popular culture.
Sure, but that’s why they’re not allowed to buy rated M games. Besides that, there’s still no correlation between video games and violence.
Strange... I am a Canadian and play violent video games and watch violent films so they’re definitely sold here and yet here in Canada we don’t have mass shootings every few months... hmmm... the same is true for the UK, France, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, you know I could go on but I wont.
Other than she’s an innocuous looking older white lady, how does she consistently get by both TSA and then the gate agent to get onto planes?
Recently a social media “influencer” actually was able to create a made up restaurant and it has been inundated with requests for reservations and has gotten celebrities and many other people trying to get a table. They don’t even exist.
I’d like to see that metrics for social media “influencers” like this nudnik that actually have a quantifiable effect on what they’re promoting. She could have said that “I promoted business X and within the next month they saw an increase in revenue of Y dollars”