Here’s a radical idea: how about when people compete in a game, they act with dignity and treat each other with respect?
Here’s a radical idea: how about when people compete in a game, they act with dignity and treat each other with respect?
The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where…
I stopped playing Overwatch. Not because of the game. Because of the community. Because people like this guy are ALL OVER this game. It’s ruined the game for me completely. I don’t play a game to be insulted or attacked, nor to argue with people. That’s all that happens on Overwatch now. These leagues just serve to…
For all the controversy surrounding this game, it always seems like these issues are only discovered by redditors and streamers, who I imagine are probably in the top 10% in terms of hardcore players.
I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening. I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if…
“When you’re exposed to vacuum, the air in your lungs is forced out through your mouth. After that, you should be able to make breathing motions normally, but there will of course be no air to breathe. You will not experience any exploding eyeballs or embolisms like you see in the movies, although you may experience…
How else would you envision ‘using the force to pull yourself through the vacuum of space’ to look? Should she have put one clenched fist forward and done it superman style?
Here’s the thing, though—if you’re bad at reading social cues and you’re making a major fool of yourself, it is only natural that it’s going to blow up in your face.
The problem is the first letter writer and yourself are trying to assume the experience of others which you can’t possibly do with 100% accuracy. To the degree seen in the letter writer it looks like anxiety disorder symptoms. However, there’s no way of knowing from a letter obviously.
Nope, the developers straight up said that the game itself - apart from events like Uprising - are non-canon.
I doubt this kind of stuff is Activision’s fault, since it’s the same playbook as Destiny 1. The culprit here, I think, is largely that all the improvements that made D1 the excellent game it was by the end were done by the Live Team, while the Destiny 2 team was heads down working on this and, apparently, ignoring…
Since I now look like a crazy person responding to the word “dsxghdfj” (thank you Kinja), I’ll note here that the original post was talking about how Destiny 2 is essentially an MMORPG and how it’s pretty standard for games like World of Warcraft to lock players out of content every time an expansion rolls around.
I love how every time someone shits on a game an internet commenter likes, it’s either “You spent a bunch of time/money on it and only then realized you didn’t like it?” or “You barely played it, what do you know?”
Or not, since you know... Nintendo has never actually done that with any of its native titles. So far Nintendo hasn’t adulterated any of its first-party console titles with microtransactions or non-additive multiplayer, and they’ve shown absolutely zero sign that they intend to.
The impression I get from this is that it’s basically all the less-fun parts of animal crossing (the grinding and busywork) with none of the charming payoff that makes Animal Crossing what it is.
If i were Melania, I would make it my mission in life to fuck every last secret service agent just so Cheeto Mussolini would never not be surrounded by younger, better-looking men who had fucked his wife.
Filming and producing (the process of ‘making the movie’) are different things.
Perhaps a better way to put it is that he did want to win the presidency, but he didn’t want the job.
Or, is it possible that people might actually care what she has to say about Animal Crossing, and that by spending as much as she did she pushed the game to its limits, attempting to force out any hidden redeemable moments, and in acknowledging that it lacked any, finished her review with a genuinely humorous…
To be fair, $120 to her is likely equivalent to the $0.10 I found behind the couch cushion this morning.