
Everything is politics. The things you think aren’t are just reinforcing the status quo as they are, which is itself a political choice.

I mean I fully felt that they were like “alright, well that’s done with her, she can just be pretty eye candy now.”

I mean its balance needs would be entirely different. So many people would play Widow or Hanzo. Playing most tanks would be extremely difficult, and what’s even the point of healers?

It incentivizes it until you realize it’s not fun to hide, and then you realize the most fun you can have is playing aggressively, not trying to optimize your play style to win.

Oh hey I ran into that in No Man’s Sky

You seem to be under the impression that facts aren’t verifiable. The fact that the Parkland shooting occurred is.

That depends a little bit. If they’re really struggling, the similar-looking corridors along with the actual changes the game makes to the layout can really confuse people. I did see someone not experienced with video games try the game and they had difficulty finding multiple paths through on their own because they

Because I keep my phones for three years since I need to buy them myself :)

Shit like this makes me feel like the only way I could ever stand to stream on twitch is wearing basically a blanket over my face and body. maybe some voice disguising software.

well that’s unnecessarily rude

For me the point is kinda more that you can’t really be a person with boobs on Twitch without getting accused of being a whore. But you do you.

“But there are plenty of people who are bad at reading social cues, and that shouldn’t be a crime”

This is why it’s good to go for contexts in which people are likely to want to be approached. Like speed dating, or clubs.

This is known as Social Anxiety. You imagine yourself in the bad social roles you’ve heard other people complain about before. But if you pay attention to the signals people are giving you, you’re not likely to actually be those people. Those female friends are complaining about dudes who won’t leave them alone. If

It’s politicizing to criticize someone for saying racist shit? Oh I forgot, pointing out racism is racist now.

I got Ketchup and I’m chill with that because Ketchup is my fave (honestly don’t remember what shit I was supposed to build for that one) but yeah, this quiz has no handle on measuring taste.

There’s also a lot of cruel and senseless violence committed by many other groups. Say, men.

Coulson Coulson Coulson Coulson!!!

Please just add Daisy and May to the Avengers already, May is way better than Black Widow as a character anyways

Well that’s a bit disingenuous. Everything to do with medicine involves a cost/benefit analysis. The problem isn’t if something is dangerous, it’s the likelihood and severity of harm vs. the likelihood of benefit.

I can easily subvert that.