
One of the core problems is that even if it is a simple misunderstanding, HR departments don’t take action to try to help parties behave more appropriately in the future.

I feel exactly the same. If anyone wants to watch FMA, I tell them they need to watch both; the original first to get attached to the characters, and brotherhood second to get a better backstory and ending.

Because they think they’re entitled to sex from whichever women they want, so when those women sleep with other people and not them they’re having sex with people they’re not “supposed to”, hence “sluts”.

That’s an easy thing to say but it totally discounts people doing acts that do involve a great deal of sacrifice and risk to help others. Even if they get something in return, they should be lauded for taking that on; it’s a meaningful concept.

Yeah, Chidi is kind of the embodiment of a bystander.

If they don’t take it on contingency, they don’t believe you can win *money*.

Uh, the woman whose story was repeated *did* go to the cops. It’s in the story.

Rapes rarely leave evidence; when they do, it’s a trying process to try and collect and report it. Women are often mocked or disbelieved.

It’s necessary.

I’ve seen a lot of arguments is that a big reason for homophobia is that men are afraid, whether aware of it or not, that the violence they’ve been able to perpetuate against women will now be turned against them. It’s a subconscious awareness of the predatory attitude so many men have taken when it comes to sex, and

What causes PTSD isn’t like, an objective line. People are impacted differently by different events. You have higher psychological resilience to getting groped by strangers than some other people do. To other people, that’s violating and frightening and it sticks with them. Their feelings aren’t wrong.

Aaaand what makes you an expert on how all PTSD works, exactly?

Why do you believe all tattoos are trashy, other than someone told you that and you believed them

Oh, no, that’s sweet, and would personally make me feel even better because that’s a sign you’re a “safe” guy. Good on her for being so forward though :D

Well, we women get really bent out of shape at being asked out constantly and then frozen out when we can’t date literally every man who asks. Funny how that works.

Yes, full Lemongrab screech. In my experience that gets people to leave you alone right quick.

It’s less about yourself and more about the community you grew up in. I have a white friend who grew up in a community that was like >90% Asian. We met in college where he confided he was still most comfortable making Asian friends and he found white people with blue eyes creepy.

She possibly rebuked you because she thought there was no chance you’d hang out with her without constantly trying to date her, or being angry at her for not dating her. I know I would be, have been, worried about that. Be a normal person around her for a while.

No, the difference is his tweets are bad. They make him come off as more of an asshole. He could’ve stood to run it by somebody who is capable of understanding what makes an asshole in this situation— such as his wife — before tweeting.

Windows is the platform. It’s the system you have to compile the program for in order for it to run on the machine. Steam is just the store.