
No, I hate people for revving their loud-ass cars and interrupting a perfectly serene moment in my home because they need everyone to know their car is present.

So, basically, this is their version of “La la la, I can’t hear you”

That’s sort of the point, though. If these were developed in a society where everyone had black skin, the devices wouldn’t work this way because they wouldn’t work for people. But they are, because they work for light-skinned people and we see that as good enough, apparently.

I just started a new Creative Mode game to explore new biomes and am waiting for a bit to restart my old Normal save (which doesn’t have nearly 400 hours, though)

I hope you realize women only do this because they’re taught it’s one of the ways they can get positive attention from men, since those men don’t always just treat them as normal, equal people, and society teaches them that the way they are most valuable is if men desire them.

Body is, outfit’s not. Next question.

Yo this can make adult women unrelated to you feel pretty shitty/angry that you apparently didn’t care about them until you had a daughter

I can’t stand it because I’m not free to play that often. I can’t plan my life around a game, but if I don’t, I don’t get to play these parts when I feel like it.

I cannot believe they still haven’t managed to implement mid-game replacements, be it human or AI. They even have battle AI in single-player mode for the Octolings.

I found the wording in the article confusing: is there already LAN play and spectator mode in Splatoon 2, or are people saying there needs to be?

No one’s shutting it down, they’re saying they shouldn’t be saying “don’t do the full course” the way they are, where it’s at risk for being massively misinterpreted.

It’s not petty if you have a slower internet connection. There’s no reason to waste time looking up something unrelated to the intended query.

This feels really sketchy with all the “subtle” preparation Zuckerberg’s been doing for running for office.

this was a good example of deciding who you’re trying to protect against and going from there. threat modeling! :)

You can be compelled to provide a password if subpoenaed. But yeah, a password’s a better option before that (although refusing to give them that still has potential for retaliation, such as being detained a long time)

You’re not wrong, but the original explanation was misleading/poorly phrased — all colors are the colors they are because light is reflected at our eyes.

Yo, fyi, saying “transgenders” comes off ignorant-sounding at best, insulting at worst (like saying “disableds”). Transgender is an adjective, so “transgender people” sounds normal and respectful.

counting’s not on the list

they’re not distracting if you’re a decent person who respects other people

Do you say the same thing about “playing football”?