
She literally said she’s doing it *because* she’s white, and knows she can get away with it when other people can’t.

more is always better, huh?

Trans men can get pregnant and have abortions too. The benefit of stopping calling this “women’s issues” is not just that everyone should care about it, but that it’s also inclusive of trans people.

If I truly met Shigeru Miyamoto at a grocery store in the Pacific NW you can bet your ass I’m telling everyone about it

There’s nothing wrong with it, obviously. There *is* something wrong with a pervasive pattern that ascribes emotional awareness and nurturing to a female role while the emotionally-neutral leader role always goes to the man.

Female is read as emotionally supportive and nurturing, while male gets emotionally neutral descriptors, which also sound more professional. Still don’t get where the stereotype is?

I believe in facts, so, yeah. Next question.

I’m disappointed when people perpetuate sexist stereotypes, yeah. Kinda get tired of it when people assume because I’m a woman I’m there to nurture them and dudes are there to be leaders and don’t need to bother with such lowly things.

It’s not “trigger warning” or “safe space needed”. Nobody said that.

What people *did* say is that labeling people of different genders doing the exact same thing differently is bullshit. That’s how dudes get good performance reviews and promotions for being “assertive” but women get shit on for being “aggressive”.

“If you make a game and ask $13 for it then it’s a game and gamers are your target.”

A target?? How is that reasonable, it sounds like it’s okay to threaten the guy for making a decision you don’t agree with.

Just say you don’t believe it’s worth that and move on. The problem is people being shitty to a nice old dude

Yeah, because they have an entire weekend available to do it and people with other experience and resources they can learn from. This is what it looks like when people don’t know how to access those kinds of resources.

Why are sad and stupid suddenly mutually exclusive?

Guy Fieri? I knew this phrase when I was a small child.

“Players are acting nastier because they feel hopeless”

Honestly I feel like it’s fairer to say “Players are acting nastier because they haven’t grown up and learned that being frustrated doesn’t mean it’s okay to be shitty to other people” but maybe that’s just me

“Putting the whole Great Filter idea aside, if there was any possibility of bacterial or plant life possible on Mars, then there would be bacterial and plant life on Mars.”

Uh, no. Life doesn’t just spontaneously occur, you need specific conditions to create it, and creating it is different than sustaining it.

The internet deceived itself.

Logically, of course, I know that most players are preoccupied with their own performances and don’t care much about mine. But that’s the thing about any kind of anxiety: it’s not logical.

Literally nothing excuses you for publicly posting intimate photos without the subject’s consent.

I mean, straightforward is kinda her jam. She’s not trying to create art to be high-brow, she’s trying to create art that immediately reaches young ones who are struggling. I think she does a good job at that.

or just start their own? there are people in charge of the NRA who push their policy, it’s not a democracy