
The thing is they’d do just fine if they *also* released printed cards or even downloadable codes for self-loading onto devices, or offered these things as Paid DLC where the amiibo is optional, but I’d guess that feels a little too obviously pay-to-win to them. But either way, there are ways to meet demand that don’t

The data could very well be copyright, copyright law when it comes to software is fucking asinine

I may not advise people hack those networks but I do wish it

Oh man it must be nice to live on your world where the president makes good decisions and doesn’t just go with the laziest option possible (“Password is too much of a hassle for 4AM tweeting, I’ll use the network that doesn’t need a password!”)

But just in case you didn’t catch the super obvious hint he could hear Morgana, the game tells you FOUR TIMES at the end with increasing specificity each time. “Oh hey, maybe there was something suspicious about this exchange...” “Oh hey, remember that time Akechi mentioned pancakes...?” “Hey, did you notice Akechi

They may have that shared high-level goal but that doesn’t mean they agree on the means. They may still try to sabotage one another if they are worried one party’s means might hurt their own state.

and then I can get rid of my consoles entirely! nice! don’t pick it up and take it to the bathroom so you don’t have to stop playing? that’s only me, huh?

yes it will be fine when robots take over all the necessary work and then humans are forced to beg for work from the upper class when they deem a human is necessary to provide them entertainment

Yeah it’s a pretty harmless way to make money. Weighing the scales it’s definitely more important people be able to pay for school :P

how long ago did you do this

Yeah but with more differentiated characters

don’t you dare insult freddi you monster

A coworker keeps warning me to avoid it because of how much time he has lost to enjoying it. Beware :)

hrm yes i can tell you don’t play a lot of genshi

Ask them questions about it themselves? Like CBT/DBT style... have them walk through why they think that’s a good thing

Maybe even a simple puzzle book could help, if she’s able to write. Or puzzles, physical ones :)

You can believe all of the things in this list and still think that Comey getting fired in the way that he did was bad and deserves outrage

In general I feel that way but the FMA one made me shudder because they’re kids and that adds a level of creepy I’m not comfortable with

people buy it for lack of disk space/shareability