
I’m not glad they left. Just because they’re playing Hanzo doesn’t mean they’re not considering the team in other ways, and if you think unless they’re doing literally everything to please the team and nothing for themselves then they’re garbage and they should leave, you must not be very fun to play games with.

Of course not, but it tends to be worse more often for people who are trans. People who are “weird” or non-conforming in any way get bullied, and it only gets worse when that difference is politicized and people who don’t empathize feel the need to bully them into conformity or non-existence.

kinda the definition of white supremacy. You’re taught to speak the way white people grow up speaking, and if other people don’t match it, they’re wrong.

Why is the way white Americans speak the correct way...?

If you don’t you get No Man’s Sky’s “WHERE’S THE GIANT SNAKES” *all the time*. Sometimes things don’t make it in a final game, but you can bet your ass there’ll be tons of people complaining about that when normally they wouldn’t have given a shit, just because they got to see the process and then pretend like they

I would wish it on him. He’s done a lot of harm, unrepentantly. I wish anything on him that removes him from a position of power, and this is one of the more peaceful ways to go about that all things considered.

That would be *hilarious* but really unlikely. Blizzard’s a highly competent shop, and competent shops make backups.

Yeah at this point I assume it’s just a matter of policy and practice. These things are easier to manage if you never make exceptions.

I’m so glad someone else wrote this up :D

There’s definitely arguments for why someone might suffer from the result of the code’s release, but I’m *so* glad to see someone actually critically engaging with morality here instead of just assuming following the law is the definition of morality.

Why isn’t it his? Legally it’s not, sure, but law =/= morality. Curious what your justification is for why it’s morally wrong for him to keep or sell it.

I would like to hear the moral argument about why this was the correct choice

when you say “rightfully” you mean “legally” right? and not morally right, right? Because if the latter I really want to hear your argument for that.

You’ve been playing too many games :D

But I can’t judge, I’ve been all my dreams lately have been set in Persona 5...

aside from referencing a historical event that was much, much worse than anything that has happened to this man, you both simultaneously call him selfish while also saying it’s just like a situation where people lost everything and got nothing in return. What?

I’ve been severely depressed and I’ve never stalked anyone. Same goes for a lot of people.

Depression isn’t a condition that this kind of behavior results from. It may contribute to it, but it’s not the causative factor.

Nope, there were earlier papers showing their harmful effects. This one was unique because it claimed fish *preferred* them to actual food.

I’m not sure what you think you’re correcting, since no one said “mercury atoms”, and additionally, “mercury atoms” is easily colloquially identical to “elemental mercury”.

There’s still plenty of opportunity for misinformation — those Trump supporters who would negatively be affected by this don’t hear about it until it’s too late, because the news outlets they trust don’t report accurately on it. Or after that, the politicians will come up with excuses why it’s all the liberals’ fault