
I am not 100% certain exactly what crux means...but i like it!

Oh real nice...But when I take my pants off I'm told I'm causing a scene and asked to leave!? Bullshit!

You are forgiven. Give yourself 10 nosebeeps and 25 boom shakalakas and call it a night.

The episode writes itself.

Any suggestions on the perfect athlete to blocked from? I wanna say Delonte West, but I'd feel gross following him.

I'm tired of that phrase and I'm blocking you...

You had better be a Tiger fan! If so...nice! If not...shut up!!! But yea...apparently you just need to be left handed. Fiery attitude gets you far, too.

There may have been a line crossed there, but I am afraid to analyze too deeply.

I wonder what he'll look like when he turns 8. Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7...

Such fast!

If the relationship with my dog has taught me anything; Lebron hates that, and will eventually throw up on the rug after feeding him an apple core.

Fact! Something is gonna get blown out...and it won't be his knee!

GOOD NEWS! We now have a lead on the missing NE Patriots waterboy case!

Oh he was snifflin' like a li'l biotch! He locked himself in the for hours sniffling something before that.

The "keeping-it-real"-ist tight end in prison. He'll make a douchey addition to the Mean Machine.

Definitely the latter. In his defense: I hear Azerbaijan and San Francisco are both FABULOUS!

"Better than Valverde." - Every single Detroit Tiger fan.

Leave him alone. He's never seen a black guy in person before. He didn't realize how aggressive rappers can be.

Should've used the other half. I'm pretty sure she's right handed.

Charleston, West Virginia is the Charleston, South Carolina of Appalachia.