
The Foles protocol trumps the concussion protocol every time...

The NFL’s PR team will be faxing over a job offer.

Tom, maybe you didn’t watch the video, but the Ravens were offsides. It’s a free play, and the results count only if the Rams want them to — the Rams accepted the penalty, so nothing that happened the last play actually happened. No play, no concussion. Case closed.

I’m a Towson fan, but I also know using West in the NFL is the last act of a desperate team. Unless being a Raven helps him get his shit together, I don't know. We are his last chance and I would hope he recognizes that.

7uch a 7ad 7tory.

“CONNOR COOK READS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS” made me laugh for some damn reason.

I’m a Michigan fan but, “Jason Pierre Paul has better hands than their punter” is pure gold.

Think someone took shotgun formation a bit too serious.

This might be one of the most disappointing videos I’ve ever seen. I kept waiting for the bear to attack him. Bite him, maul him, whatever, just do what bears do and let this jackanape know that splashing water in their face is a bad idea.

Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.

Number of times pizza rolls eaten in my life ~15

I eat that shit up when I’m on the treadmill. I love Guy Fieri because I can live vicariously through him.

he’d be the resulting product “if Ed Hardy fucked a juggalo.”

Only marginally better than the time Anakin Skywalker opened a Montessori school.

As a black student at the University of Missouri, I can't tell you how amazing it has been to see how the athletic department and students of all colors coming together for this.

Right, because if science isn’t perfect, you can just safely ignore it.

“Leaders have said the presence of pregnant girls will ‘serve as a negative influence to other innocent girls,’ and ‘encourage’ them to get pregnant,

This is why we need better rehabilitation in this country. We need to give these people a fighting chance in society.

“Though Morales biggest offense is a weapons charge with no one injured, he is now serving 35 years in solitary confinement because of his gang ties.”

How did Washington’s lawyers gain access to my browser history?