
Sign for a kid, he sells it on ebay once.  Dunk on a kid, he has a bar story for life.

I seem to recall someone else that was Tripp-ed up by that law here in Maryland ...

Okay wait, everyone in fact needs to read this twitter chain, because this one guy starts a chain response and it is amazing.

Well he is Gramátically correct

The crime here and the act worthy of vilification are the text messages BEFORE the crash. Not after. All these people that presume first of all that it couldn’t happen to them, and second of all, how they would react, are asshats.

Hey buddy, I see the connection you’re making, and it makes sense, but it’s worth pointing out that Winslow hasn’t been convicted of anything in the first case, and his lawyer has put forward a version of events that at least sounds plausible. Maybe we should wait before we reach any conclusions about this.

The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.

And that’s a perfectly fine rationale for the #BlueLivesMatter crowd.

They didn’t release their names, and say they have been “disciplined”, the instigator of it all should lose his badge. I didn’t see a single action or movement that could have been interpreted as hostile or threatening.

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales held a presser this evening and released a statement apologizing for the unnecessary force used on Brown.

Still winning the Internet 2 days later is pretty amazing

Why wasn’t Deadspin (and specifically, you Diana) able to find Ms. Ennis’ incident from 2011? Don’t you do simple searches of the people you write about before publishing?

And you went to law school where?

Pretty sure one or two of the hundreds of inside counsel at Ford took a gander at the agreement before it was implemented.

F-150 switch gear get abused day-in and day-out on millions of units. They definitively know the switches hold up to use.


The 6th Amendment gives you the right to face your accuser, but there are plenty of concessions that the legal system makes for accusers in cases like these. They can be interviewed out of sight of the accused, and only have to face attorneys. I’m pretty skeptical of any claims of harassment or abuse that don’t get

College student at South Padre during Spring Break gets aggressive with high school student?

Why don’t the Hawks try to turn their season around and sign this dude? He’d start for them immediately and he only fell on defense once.

It was 10 years ago, it very well could have been 6.66 or something like that, or a total score. I just remember what my parents told me. I wasn’t there, who the fuck goes to swim meets besides parents...