
Nah. Europe has been so brilliant to copy more and more of US ethics, morals and general stupidity over the decades - sadly, much of the world still takes the US seriously and even continues to idolize it one way or another.

Thank you for vindicating my failure to see any of the sequels.

I don’t get who it’s for. Like, it’ll have the wacky shenanigans because that’s what young kids like, but also they’re drinkin’ beer because adulting?

Thank you for writing pieces like these. I love rom coms and always love getting to discover new ones through your column. I'll be looking for this film now so that I can watch it this weekend. I appreciate being exposed to something new to me!

some say the movie exploits mutants, but the movie is ABOUT mutants being exploited, so that makes it okay, right?

Sure, but that was at the behest of Bucky’s therapist. Neither seemed particularly enthused about it.

I think the fact that he felt protected enough to go after Rita Wilson, and not just his struggling message takers and lunch getters, adds a an important detail about the power structure in the entertainment business.

Man, I really enjoyed writing these recaps but I bet your daughter would’ve done a great job too!

My 8 year-old daughter said it best: “WandaVision was a LOT better, but this was a LOT better than I thought it was going to be.”

Nah, I don’t think so. I think the cringe factor is fair.

I, too, was mostly satisfied with Centrist & The Disaster Bi. But hoo-boy is the apparent half-rehabilitation of Walker into Sam The Slightly Homicidal Eagle not going to play well. 


I watched it and it was....fine, I guess. But leaving out the parallel story of Chuck Yeager means it wasn’t The Right Stuff. It was just a generic miniseries about the Mercury program.

I mean, The New York Times popular culture staff is borderline incompetent and ‘Framing Britney Spears’ was pretty clearly just giddy exploitation masked as social commentary. If they were serious they wouldn’t have given nearly as much time for the creepy Free Britney people to talk their nonsense. We should probably

Agreed, I think there is at least a decade between the events of Supergirl and Superman which maybe they could explain with how Supergirl ends this year. 

They don’t read 14 but they also don’t read 27 which is a step in the right direction for the CW. 

Based on the age of the twins, S&L clearly takes place further in the future than Supergirl (last I checked), so that may explain some of the disconnect. I also have a hunch that they are deliberately staying away from Supergirl to avoid any hinting/spoiler-ing of Supergirl’s final season. 

Seemed to be something... wrong... between Sarah and her father. I don’t think she has the same happy memories of that song as he does, and it makes me wonder why.

Very much the former. No one cracks on Kevin Smith works more than himself. His response whenever fans want him to take a crack at a superhero movie is usually “Really? The guy who made Batman piss himself?”

I’m disappointed that we won’t get more of Angus Imrie as Edward. His line delivery has been good if he hasn’t had much to do. I do hope we’ll get some of Edward’s minor scandals in the coming seasons especially when he helped facilitate cameras filming William in his dorm room at Cambridge which Charles dd not take