
Great review! The title cards weren't just in Urdu though- they were in different languages spoken by people in different regions of India: Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada (I think) which was a pretty freaking big deal to a girl who grew up with zero Telugu representation and was always asked if people in India speak

I mean, I don't think Miller cares? Miller already got paid, it's the studio that gets fucked if the movie isn't released 

You should watch comedian Hari Kondabolu’s describe a really terrible Sandra Bullock rom com he was in. Comedy Gold

I saw someone on Twitter refer to A Million Little Things as "This Ain't Us" and I can't stop thinking about it whenever the show is mentioned. 

Rebecca's mom's comments implies that there is a history of tendency of obesity with the women in their family. Perhaps Rebecca's mom gained weight easily which explained why she was so restrictive with herself and with Rebecca. Rebecca, I guess, got lucky and then unintentionally passed along a lot of those attitudes

So... are we ever getting a follow up on the whole "Deja wants to move in with her boyfriend" storyline?

No, there's a Google extension that you can install that literally changes the speed for you. I highly recommend it. It saves SO much time

Nice! Enjoyed watching S1 with my partner and it’s good to know S2 is an improvement rather than a downgrade. Looking forward to spending Valentine's weekend binging (we're big partiers, I know)

Watched this show with my partner a few weeks ago and honestly was super underwhelmed. The characters don't feel like they behave in a remotely believable manner, the tone is glacial (we had to watch it 2x speed) and the ending is super predictable. Would have been better as a movie maybe?

But it is about power lol. When you're an abusive POS who gets off on having complete power over another person, having women willingly throw themselves at you in exchange for money or fame isn't enough. 

Yes, let's blame the women and not the men who abuse women and the billion dollar industry that enables said abuse. 

I think she does still love Shane and didn't have the heart to leave him after he went through a relatively traumatic experience. She's definitely going to leave within a year. 

Yeah while I felt bad for Quinn, he really irritated me with his demands to stay in Hawaii. Dude has never worked a day in his life and has no idea how expensive the cost of living in a place like Hawaii is. Of course he falls in love with it while staying in a 10K a night all inclusive resort his parents are paying

I've never watched an episode of Sex and the City in my life but Seema seems like such an incredible character and if they end up giving her her own spin off, I'd watch in a heartbeat. 

Nah, Kate is clearly in a wedding dress and the producers have already confirmed that she married Phillip 

Nah, that was a fake out to scare us when Randall and Beth were going through a rough patch. Another flashforward shows them hugging and kissing with wedding rings on so they're fine. 

Pretty disappointing that AV Club is promoting a show sensationalizing a very clear case of image based sexual abuse. If Pamela Anderson was physically sexually abused would the show be minimizing it as a “scandal”? Tommy Lee is an abusive POS and Pamela Anderson experienced a harrowing insurance of digital sexual

Yes, the way the show continually ignores Kate's character development really frustrates me. What do we honestly know about her character, 6 six seasons in? That she used to struggle with her weight but doesn't anymore? That she's going to get divorced and remarried in the future? That she's a mom? I hate how Kevin

This is so spot on, I don't know whether to laugh or cry..

Best. Movie. Ever. I had the biggest smile on my face reading this article. Truly the best Cinderella adaptation by miles. I find it a travesty that this doesn’t have the cultural power or nostalgia as The Princess Bride which imo is a complete “dasmel in distress” story and isn't nearly as innovative or entertaining.