
Ever After is the best Cinderella movie ever. Please do yourself a favor and skip this movie and watch Ever After instead. I might rewatch it now. 

I think you're completely right. I never thought about it from that point of view. Also, I'm sorry about your parents. I hope you found a better guy now! 

Ever After is SO FUCKING good. Sure, it isn't perfect (SUPER white and the prince is a little meh) but God, it is so truly feminist and emotionally true. It will never not me by comfort movie. I don't understand how this movie is so underrated and dasmel in the distress Princess Bride gets all the love. 

So is there a time jump between last episode and this? Kind of weird to see Alma dressed up and laughing considering the end of the last one...

So I read the book but couldn’t bring myself to watch the show but have kept up via youtube clips and episode reviews.

The trailer also said he was divorced so that's not accurate anyway. I guess they just mean that he's divorced but still co-parenting his step kid, which some people do, especially if he was the girl's sole father figure during her formative years. 

Damn it, we really can't have nice things. At least the trailer for the iCarly reboot looks good?

Because it’s not about horniness. Abusive behavior and assault is never about sex and always about power. See exhibit A like you mentioned; rich, famous people like Wheedon and Cosby and Weinstein who could easily leverage their status/money to get consensual sex, either from sex workers or from people who just want

Exactly! I honestly wouldn't have minded if they just pulled a Good Doctor and addressed it in the beginning of the season and then flash forwarded to a magical future where Covid was gone. They can't talk about quarantining one second and then talk about Kevin jumping from a plane to a hospital filled with vulnerable

Great review! I completely agree that the ending of Beth and Randall calling Madison absolutely rescues the episode. So realistic and sweet, and yet unexpected.

That would be amazing but Fiege hates the original Marvel tv shows so it's never going to happen.

Maybe put a spoiler warning for Mandolorian too.

Robin Williams is easily the best part of Aladdin. I rewatched the movie a few years ago with my family and we were all cracking up like crazy. Do you also hate puppies and chocolate? 

I remember watching the pilot and hating it despite being big fans of the cast and writers. Did it get better after that first episode? 

BSC books were my childhood. Growing up as a South Asian feminist,  I remember feeling conflicted about who was my favorite: Claudia (the sole POC) or Dawn (the feminist vegetarian). Now that they've welcomingly diversified, I can happily root for Dawn. 

I mean it’s TV. Everyone on TV is hot, you just have to accept TV is an alternate world where ugly people don’t exist.

YEP. My brother and I were huge fans of the books when we were kids and we’ve been waiting for 15 years for these movies. I gave up hope right after the leaked Disney casting asides showed they were going to try to make Artemis an innocent kid (which DEFEATS THE ENTIRE POINT of the books. It’s like starting the Harry

Damn it I really liked Schooled. Felt a lot more fresh and new than The Goldbergs which is becoming ridiculously predictable (How is Adam still in high school? Wasn't he 12 when the show started? I'm so confused). Plus shows about teachers have a lot of potential and are super under represented in a landscape of a

I think it depends on if it's single cam or multi cam. I remember reading Neil Patrick Harris's autobiography a few years back and he made it seem like HIMYM had the easiest hours ever and all he had to do was attend rehearsals for a few hours every day and then a full day of shooting on Fridays (or whenever they shot

Yes EXACTLY. She is totally wrong to abandon her family but the notion that it is somehow “his money” is ridiculous. That’s not how marriage works. Did he pay her to watch their kids and clean the house and cook their meals and grocery shop? Plus, there is a significant chance she put her career on hold for him and