
How did this movie take someone as obtectively attractive as Sam Claflin and ruin it by saddling him with that God awful haircut I don't understand. 

Sure she exists but she somehow has no opinion about being forced to move to Missouri? She's the world's only 12 year old who has no opinion about having to move away from all her friends?

She legit said in an interview a few years ago she considers herself completely white and not qualified to write stories about POC. (And her book shows it). There are so many books by POC about their experiences of POC that get completely ignored and don't get 7 figure salaries. Publishing industry made a CHOICE to

I think the oldest kid took custody of the younger kids. If there was no one to take the younger kids in, they would be deported along with the parents (I think?)

Having BARRY comfort Jefferson/Black Lightning instead of J’onn, a character who literally has gone through the exact same thing as he has (losing his entire world, wife and two daughters, plus bonus points for having lived in America as a black man) was such a missed opportunity but other than that this was a pretty

Do you mean Felicity? Because Mia is a fighter which was not Chloe's role at all. Damn now I wish they could have gotten Hartley but I guess his NBC contract has a noncompete clause with CW

Great article!

But they specifically mentioned that the flashback episode (where Alice discovers she is pregnant) took place in 1992 which makes him 26 at the oldest. 

Maybe the right answer is what would the other baby grow up to be? Sure, one baby would grow up to cure cancer but maybe the other baby would grow up to stop the world from ending or something. 

LOL What. Nora clearly saw Lily has her daughter. No way she would willingly give up a child after losing two of hers already. 

Seriously, I know I’m two years too late but I’m very confused how the  review and most of the comments  didn’t mention Lily. Does no one care about her? Did they just kill her in the time jump so Kevin and Norah can go to Australia? 

He was tied up and held captive and had zero say in the matter? WTF do you think rape is?

Yes thank you for saying that. 

Yeah if she was smart, she would have immediately contacted the other “institutions” interested in her house and started her own bidding war. 

Yeah but she had it less than 3 years so I can’t imagine she had super high of a salary or a ton saved up. Probably more likely her husband had a big insurance payout. 

The way she threw money around last season just made me assume her husband had a really really good paying job (doctor or Google employee or something) and they either had a ton in savings or his life insurance payout was huge (or both). And maybe he is from a well off family and his parents bought them the house as a

I know I am 5 years late but thank you so much for this review. I have been restarting my Leftovers watch after multiple people recommending it and you verbalized perfectly my discomfort with the show and it’s focus on white Protestant religious reaction to Departure. I would have loved to see more of the Faisel’s

Well if it's a small daughter, there might be an additional wrinkle of the kid being cranky/whining for food. Plus no one would actually find bringing a kid to a movie and enjoyable experience. 

Natasha better still be alive because the disrespect shown to her death in this movie was INFURIATING

I miss The Middle