
Yes exactly. I dragged my friend to see it opening night because I remember how hyped everyone was during IW opening night but everyone in my audience was dead. My friend and I were the only ones cheering most of the time. Lame.

That was SO INFURIATING. Tony gets an entire speech and funeral and (kind of) grave stone but Natasha gets....Hulk slamming his fist really strongly? WTF

This is incredible and works very well 

I mean listening to his music definitely gives money to his estate which is why they’re trying desperately hard to protect MJs image by smearing the reputation of his victims. Public opinion turning against Micheal Jackson would mean the end of a massive Cash cow for his family (which btw turned a billion dollar

“The most successful contemporary love story of all time.” Okay I’ll say it.

The teeth aren't Beck's. The teeth belong to other people Joe has killed in Beck's life (her ex and best friend) 

I will be bitter forever that of all the good villains Arrow has had, DIAZ is the one they chose the keep around. Ugh. 

Toby does something in IT I think? 

Especially because all of his family was RIGHT THERE. He couldn't ask his his sister or mother to go comfort him (don't remember if Beth was there). Why the fuck did it need to be HIM specifically, especially when they weren't even that close? Ugh 

That is incredible and you and your partner are officially couple goals. 

As someone who lived in a very South Asian area in NJ during 9/11 with Hindu parents with their own problematic anti Muslim bias who surely would have pointed this out if they saw this with their own eyes, fuck you, no they didn't. Stop God dam lying. 

Ah I see. Thanks for clarifying! 

But Roger can? I can understand if only Claire and Brianna could travel through the stones and it being a genetic thing but the fact that Roger could travel through the stones and Jamie can't screams of a plot contrivance to me. 

Yeah honestly that's the main reason why I could never get into the show. I don't care how dreamy Jamie is, Claire's life is objectively better in her present and her voluntarily leaving it all behind really pissed me off. 

Just googled. Apparently the lawsuit was a technicality to get her insurance company to pay up and she didn’t actually want any money from the kid (who died)‘s family. Still not great but not as terrible as I thought. Really she should have hired a PR person-any PR person who would have told her what a bad look suing

Yeah....they totally did the Snape thing with Flynn and it pissed me off. Doing one heroic action doesn’t erase all the terrible villainous things he did before.

I KNEW there was a four month hiatus coming and I still binged all of

Yep except everyone knew who the new Green Arrow was because the episode title from 7B was leaked (“My Name is Emiko Queen”) and it obviously wasn’t going to be Katherine McNamara. Rumor on the interweb is that she is Oliver and Felicity’s kid but William not recognizing her kind of messes that theory up. 


So between Gary, Sara and Constantine that’s three characters that are bisexual? Just another reason to love this show and I wonder if that is some kind of record in terms of bi visibility (esp with the talk of Wally possibly being bi last season).