
Isn’t there a clothing fabricator on the ship? It’s how they have different costumes for each era 

Mohindra was so fantastic. I love this show even more now for introducing me to another South Asian actress I can watch out for on my screen. 

Exactly what I was thinking. Having a shape shifter would be handy for the team. 

Yeah that seemed like a real missed opportunity. Why not have Zari say she was sorry for Sara’s loss and a quick pan to Sara’s picture of her dad during the scene? It felt like a strangely glaring omission. Especially with the constant talk of Laurel’s death the last two seasons. 

Yeah sending Charlie, clearly a sentient being with feelings who wasn’t actively hurting people, unlike the murderous unicorn or murder happy fairy godmother to Hell seemed like an extreme move. It’s basically the death penalty for a slight dognapping. 


No mention of the Tan France cameo? Really? I practically shrieked with delight 

Yeah it's much much better than it has any right to be considering the source material

Would love Terry Crews but the ABC/NBC rivalry might not let that happen. Ironically, if B99 was still on Fox, this wouldn’t have been an issue.

Ikr? They had one joke a few seasons ago on Flash where Wells was like, you know to me, THIS is Earth 2 right? Then, once they introduced the concept of more than 2 Earths, they just gave it up. 

Ikr? How has nobody called Felicity? She would have figured out the situation far more quickly than Team Flash

Yeah everyone is assuming it’s 521 Earth years but it could also be 521 Afterlife years....

I mean you would think that about Orphan Black and it took Tatiana Malslanay years to even get nominated. 

Damn every time I think I'm over the entire Marvel machine, they release a trailer like that and reel me back in. Obviously, the snap is going to be reversed but I hope they spend a little time on the aftermath of it in the beginning of the movie. They keep saying 50 percent but honestly all the collateral damage

Colin Farrell?? What about Viola Davis?? While it wasn’t perfect by any means, the fact that Star is Born (a literal retelling of a story done three times already) is getting all of this money and critical buzz while Widows which at the least tried to be different is left in the dust on both fronts is making my blood

I mean A Star is Born-a movie that lives and dies by its musical numbers somehow isn't a musical so idk. 

Does anybody actually like Diaz as a villain? At all? He's about as menacing was a wet card board box. The fact that THIS villain of all the excellent big bads Arrow has had throughout the show gets to cross over from seasons boggles my mind. Maybe Acevedo has some sort of blackmail material over Beth or something? 

It would also make Shado the SECOND woman Robert and Oliver had both slept with, which...ick 

Exactly! Tons of Asian American have experienced feelings of being an outsider once they visit the Homeland of where their parents come from. Some of this was exploded in Crazy Rich Asians and it was a mega hit precisely because this was such a prevalent feeling that the Asian American community has felt that has

I watch shows with my mom too and it’s always a battle between the less traditional comedy shows I like (the Schur shows, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Community) and the more traditional sitcoms she likes (Modern Family, Goldbergs, The Middle). I got through a half season of Crazy Ex Girlfriend with her before she gave up but