
Beside Ocean’s Eleven and probably Syria, are there any good Clooney’s movie? Critically and comercially.

Of course, we all know property is far more valuable than human life.


That Star Tribune review really too an interesting angle: Too expensive!

Holy shit this movie was fucking awful. I loved Ragnarok was top 3 marvel movie. This was a bottom 5 marvel movie. Holy shit, joke joke joke joke joke! Bad acting by Portmam again! Tessa was shit and Chris was back to meh. Wow, even my friend who loves everything said this was like a bad sunday night TV movie back in

Thanks for write up, As a Indian Telugu American I’m really excited my native language is getting finally recognition it has been due for 50+ years, it was always been better and lavish than Bollywood; but with low recognition ; Telugu is spoken in two different neighboring States with different dialects . Alluri

Had Louis kept a low profile for a few years and then made a tentative, apologetic return to comedy, I guarantee all would have been forgiven and he would have become fairly big again.

Not too many tears shed this week compared to the Miguel and last week’s episodes. A sweet ending to the show.

I wondered how long it would take for some Rando to come by and make a shitbird comment about a show he never watched but fully hates. Bore Bore Bore.

How do you know you hate it if you’ve never watched it?

I’m not going to tell you how forgetting about Sad Keanu makes him feel, but I think you can guess.

I mostly feel badly for Packer. He’s a hometown boy, and it was a big deal here that he was heading an all black production crew of the Oscars. I was supposed to go to a watch party our first Black mayor was hosting at the Black History Museum (wasn’t able to make it, now I wish I had because I can’t even imagine what

It wouldn’t matter if he slapped him or knocked him out cold. The point is he walked in front of all their peers and tried to humiliate Chris Rock with a violent attack. Whether anyone actually got physically hurt is immaterial.

eh, that’s a little harsh. She was a host of the oscars and a fellow stand up comedian. I think she has a dog in this. 

It’s nice to see a show’s second/next season come back so quickly these days. We’re watching Killing Eve S4 and can’t remember most of S3. Totally lost.

Surprised that Let It Go never hit #1, consider how insanely omnipresent it was when it came out.

The point Madison was saying about how “we’ll both miss things” is to get Kevin to realize that not every moment with the children (here, the baby taking first first steps) is necessarily going to be shared by one of them or the other, or both of them. Life gets in the way and we miss things...which goes with

I assumed that the long term goal is to do 50/50, but at the moment they are still full time with Madison. If she is still nursing, that would be reason enough. It does seem like Kevin is just visiting every morning. I’d like to see a scene of him taking the kids out on his own, even just in a stroller around the

In real life, Quinn is now a minor who ran away someplace that crosses state lines. He will swiftly be an FBI case and back home in no time.

Also Armond made it clear that they are actually only being charged for the suite they’re currently in. So yes, they were given the wrong room, but no, they are not being charged for the more expensive room.