
the super rich shouldn’t feel entitled to free stuff.

Bite my soggy metal ass

Jared Leto’s Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is Johnny Depp.

Monsters University

I was reading that description and thinking, “Isn’t that the exact plot of Call Me by Your Name?” And I haven’t even seen Call Me by Your Name!

This is Harambe all over again. Look, I’m not excited for Biden being the nominee but I’m still voting for him because it’s either him or Trump. If you vote for Kanye you might as well be voting for Trump.

What a smart, well-spoken guy. Excellent interview.

“Sentiments cribbed from clearance TJ Maxx throw pillows” is a glorious phrase and I applaud it.

I just took these comments out of greys but maybe if Alex notices this he can take you out permanently.

One additional thing for the CW DC shows is there is the regular grueling shooting schedule, then the last several years there has been the big annual crossover that they shoot during and and top of that, that Stephen Amell was vocal about being so much work that it was inhumane 

Yep.  At first I was like, “eh, Ruby, you can’t run out on your kids!”  And then she had her conversation with her husband, who was whining about potentially missing his weekend tennis match, and I started rooting for her to not only run, but set fire to him as well.

Cool, I wonder how he earns all that money while having kids with multiple after-school activities and someone to manage his household and schedule and ohhhh, right.  His money?  Are you typing this from 1975?

I feel like only a man would say this.  Setting aside that she negated the team and the agreement between husband and wife when she ran, in a marriage there is no his or hers.  Would we also say they are her kids?   

We’ll....unless you were a woman with post partum depression, or someone who decided psychiatric medicines were the right choice for their mental illness ....Cruise did take his religious views on an unfortunate publicity spin a few years ago that was NOT just benign. And I suspect the strong woman casting is a

Whoot! I hope this ends up being really good because Torres is phenomenal, even when saddled with mediocre material like Cleopatra 2525. 

I'm going to take the complete opposite view.
I think it makes perfect sense that after Jill and Tommy called Laurie that she
would have a change of heart, and know that suicide was short sided, when
she has so much to live for.

LMAO - yes because the characters on this show are such rational, clear headed types. They ALWAYS take their time and weigh the pros and cons of their decisions before making them. Tommy: "Hmm, maybe dad isn't in such a good head space at the moment. I'd better drop this baby off somewhere else." I'm inclined to think

Once knew a girl whose last name was Patel (and since it's so common, I can say so without affecting her privacy.) She worked retail at a boutique where men often purchased gifts for their wives/girlfriends/mistresses, and the cashiers always asked each customer which employee had helped them. Most customers got