
They're* ugh 

God damnit it. Chris Evans and Tom Hanks still safe? And John Oliver? At this point there the only dudes in the industry that I can rely on 

Yeah but apparently only one of the actresses is actually Latinx? Which is disappointing 

“Also stop with the all Trump people are racist crap. Voted for him, will again in 2020, and any sort of racism truly disgusts me to my core.”

Well the entire point of the books is that Artemis Fowl starts out as a selfish amoral kid who will manipulate anybody-human or fairy for his own gain. What's so enthralling about the series is that Artmeis slowly grows and learns to put other people above his own agenda-to the point that at the end of the series, he

*insert shut up and take my money gif here*

Maybe we can use spoiler tags and talk it about here?

I'm annoyed at Kate too after this episode but blaming her for Toby's very unsound decision to go off his meds (something she explicitly tells him is not even an option) seems unfair 

Does mole sauce usually have chicken in it? I’m a big fan of it but I’ve only had it a few times as most places insist on serving the sauce with meat and now I'm paranoid the sauce I've been enjoying has been made with chicken broth...

Young Sheldon is....not terrible? Like it’s by no means a perfect sitcom or doing anything different than the other family sitcoms out there. But the acting is solid, characterization is consistent and has enough jokes to make the experience of watching an episode vaugely amusing if not memorable (plus no God awful

Miller standing up to Annalise (I’m the DA)...only to sheepishly call her later and ask for her help really solidified my endearment of his character. I hope he doesn’t die or ends up evil.

Yeah Archie remains as always a complete and utter idiot. It was nice even the judge called him out on it though 

My main question about the cross country road trip is how the Hell Cheryl managed to bring all the tons of clothes, make up and hair products necessary for completing her look along. 

Seriously! Celery with homemade guac is a fantastic alternative to celery with peanut butter that won't leave you feeling like you "ruined" the health benefits of the vegetable. 

Meh it was to make my mom happy and provided some weird bonding time as a family 

I was going to summarize when and why I stopped watching but you summarized it perfectly. I stuck around until the end of season 2 but
I spent a good portion of it falling asleep every time the China subplot came up and I realized life was too short. 

Oh good. My family is super disorganized so by the time we got tickets, the Fast Pass for all the good rides was taken. Have fun! The advantage of Avatar's popularity is that there is basically no ride for the other attractions in Animal Kingdom so you should be able to get a few good ones in. 

Went last December with my family. It’s really cool but good Lord the lines are atrocious. My mom got Disney tickets solely to see it so we humored her but I kid you not, we spent the entire day in Animal Kingdom just on those two rides. One had a wait of 4 hours and the other 3. I highly highly recommend you get

We deserve more Tiya Sircar on our screens. Only reason why I watched Alex Inc as long as I did last season was for her. 

They are trying way too hard to make it seem like Oliver is dead so it’s not him. But for Analise to have that strong of a’s got to be either Nate or Bonnie (and it’s her evil twin at the party)