
It’s been established that Connor’s dads are well off and cut him off after he quit law school. Maybe they have a change of heart and offer to pay for the wedding? 

Yeah, idk why he couldn't do both just for this one year

I will say, I find it hard to believe that someone as rich as Tahani would have her entire personal fortune in one bank account. I was under the impression that rich people diversified their protfolios by putting it in several accounts and investments or some shit (noted, I am a break Millennial student so what do I

I was extremely offended on Sircar’s behalf that she had such a short role on Supergirl but if it means more Vicky, I’m not complaining.

I can’t believe William Jackson Harper looks like THAT and they held off on shirtless Chidi for three whole seasons 

Like I’m not complaining because hot damn but it also makes no sense with his character 

Frank taking Michaela home instead of having sex with her to spite Laurel is the most I’ve liked him in the entire run of the series. 

To All the Boys I loved before was refreshing and adorable though. If you're still in the mood for a rom com, I highly recommend checking it out

The Felicity scenes were fantastic-I really hope she has more focus than the newbies moving forward

Because this is still Arrow and Oliver is the only one capable of getting rid of the big bads, as medicore as they are 

Exactly, even last season when I skipped half the episodes in 6B, I always enjoyed commenting with you guys. Somebody mentioned something about a discussion thread at least for te show-I hope that takes off

Yep and everyone agrees Long Duk was racist and horribly offensive. If they remade 16 Candles today and did the character the same way, trust me people would be complaining. 

...for starters not have him voiced by a white dude doing an accent that no South Asian person has ever actually had? I recommend watching the documentary-having a white person voice a heavily caricatured version of a minority in a TV show in 2018 is racist, full stop.

Spoken like a white dude who was surrounded his entire life by representation of white dudes every time he turned on the TV and opened a book. Let me know when you encountered people whose only impression of white dudes was the accent from Fargo and when strangers follow your dad in the street yelling catch phrases

I think the difference is that Tuong Lu Kim isn’t nearly as mainstream or recognizable to non fans the same way Apu is and it hasn’t haunted Asian Americans the same way Apu has haunted the South Asian community

Not trying to fight, genuinely curious here-what about O'Rourke sucks? I'm sure he's not perfect or anything but compared to Cruz, he seems like the obvious choice. 

Yes more Vicki! Any excuse for more Tiya Sircar on my screen

Michael already mentioned that he was going to fly Jason out to Australia, all expenses included so presumably he would pay for that.

Great article! Every time I think a season of Bojack can’t get better, I’m proven wrong.

I really want to like this show and give it a chance but the non stop advertisements of the main character’s dad grabbing her butt (because her dad mistakes her for her mom) have been so horrifiying and unfunny, I might be completely turned of the show