The sooner the End Times come, the sooner Jesus returns. The people who are into this stuff all believe they will be raptured immediately and only non-believers will be left behind to suffer through the apocalypse. Then the Jews will be converted and Jesus will come back, gather up the saved and throw everyone else…
Here’s your semi-regular reminder that Evangelicals believe the expansion of Israel’s boundaries is important because it will trigger the end times.
I just read that article and these paragraphs really jumped out at me:
I listened to daytime right-wing talk radio for a few years in the early to mid ‘90s. Boortz, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. 1) I >needed< to slow down as I was getting WAY too many tickets cause I tend to speed when listening to rock 2) sorta a know your enemy thing. Hannity is slime-and other, worse, things. But, someone…
Slavery wasn’t bad “at the time”
What’s the problem? You get a pet and a stole all in one.
...I’ll see myself out.
I have to say, I don’t think anyone in England has given it a thought. No one seems to be able to remember what day it’s on and the answer is always (“same day as the FA Cup Final”). We’re not getting a Bank Holiday for “the spare” so there’s not much to get excited about
those quotation marks are being best.
And Now, An Interpretation:
You’re supposed to use the period blood to fingerprint your calendar obviously.
“an angry white working class” = idiocracy afraid to lose a white privilege that has overstayed its visit into a global, progressive 21st century, who don’t realize achieving racial parity is not going to take anything away from their lame, mediocre asses, and will, in fact, make their lives the better for it.
And the antiquated electoral college that discounted Clinton’s 3 million popular votes over yet again another “selected” candidate. So there’s that.
It was exciting for me. There were other people in the group that when I told there were like “I’m not going over there.” and “That would have traumatized me.” Me I was like, “I dropped out of mortuary school and spent some time doing mortuary transport. While I’m sad about the graves be vandalized I’m also like every…
Why should she retire? Her awful, horrible, soulless, mindless dreck still works.
Weak minds are easily misled, Halfway educated people can see his BS.
That’s where the whole country is right now. So exasperating and dangerous.
Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.
I made a sangria spritzer with a bottle of Shaw. Way better than just drinking cheap wine—and there’s fruit, so it’s healthy!
One could argue that the American Dream is to become a sleaze ball billionaire who goes on the Howard Stern show to talk about banging chicks. I’m guessing a few of the #MAGA crowd loves that he’s corrupt because only a pussy libtard follows the rules