Exactly. There are lots of valid reasons to live with your parents as an adult, but “I can’t afford my own place because I’m getting my ass sued off for being a Nazi” is not one of them.
Exactly. There are lots of valid reasons to live with your parents as an adult, but “I can’t afford my own place because I’m getting my ass sued off for being a Nazi” is not one of them.
Or at least not give him the wifi password.
When I was kid, I asked for golf lessons even though I hate golf, and told my dad it was because that’s where a lot of business is conducted, so I’d need to be able to play when I someday became a professional. His response was, “It doesn’t matter if you know how to play golf. Men will not invite you to play with them.…
So I’m a chef and I’m hyper vigilant about adding ingredients that will negatively impact either the function or overall taste of a dish (no matter what the health benefits). That said, cricket flour is what I would describe as “earthy” or “nutty” in flavor. So I put it in dishes where the other flavor profiles will…
Thanks, but it’s really selfish... I do it when I’m in a rage about the world and feel like everything is garbage and I need to do something in my control to make it a tiny bit less of a dumpster fire. My mood is improved, other people’s day is improved, we all win. But my motivation is usually MAKE THE HURT STOP FOR…
This looks amazing, and I won’t be able to watch it because I can’t bear to witness people’s bad decisions. I had to drop out of Breaking Bad after the first season. I couldn’t finish Framley Parsonage once he gets even a little in debt and doubles down on it.
And even if Space Force, in spite of its idiotic origins, goes on to do good and worthy things, I will never not roll my eyes when I see those two words together.
Instead, they are launching the United States Space Command, which will develop space war-fighting tactics, train an elite group of service members in space warfare, and create a new, joint agency to buy satellites and other technologies
We ALL know that if Jezebel.com is taken over, it will actually be taken over by Sexy Carp Babes
I work at a community college library, and whenever a kid born in 2000 shows up with their driver’s license, I cry inwardly. How are they grown-ups?
“I can look myself in the mirror at the end of the day and say I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy, I avoided that tragedy,” Ryan tells me. “I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal, I advanced this goal.”
The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.
I’ll tell the truth: I’ve always wanted to have one professional photo done that was ruthlessly, shamelessly altered until I look like what I always thought I should, given some fantasy genetic redo, torturous workout routine, professional makeup, etc. Just to have it in some form, you know?
My plan was to drive across the country with my dog, Travels with Charley style, and then open a used book store and live above it and wear my head in a long braid and eat Grape Nuts for breakfast every day.
Too much gristle and fat.
Next they should ban tall people from basketball becuz it too is an unfair advantage genetically