
Inner coffee girl monologue: Yeah, fuck you, you motherfucking asshole.

I keep reading “goddamn motherfucking vapors or some shit” and envisioning Jay from Jay and Silent Bob, dressed up as Scarlet Ohara. Its really funny to me. Thank you!

It always amazes me how men who spout this sort of tripe tend to be deeply angry souls. It is as though (in their arbitrary configurations) ‘anger’ is not an emotion but an objective, intellectual assessment. And society has supported this viewpoint, notably when the male in question is white: our dashing military

Excellent article! I would love to see more of these interviews with prominent, but under acknowledged women. Fascinating to learn more about her life and work, and TBH slightly discouraging to see that academia STILL heavily focuses on the individual instead of the team, even in team dominated disciplines.

It is very beautiful, great beaches. From my experience as part of the Portuguese diaspora, we’re a work hard, party medium, pretty laid back people. Terrible at queueing.

I always knew it looked lovely and then I heard about how they’ve decided to handle drug addicts instead of mass incarcerations and it makes me think the people there must also be kind and caring to have gone along with the idea.

Portugal. A fair deal poorer, but a progressive government and excellent tomatoes.

Finally a chance to tell my rat story.

They need to work fast because I have a whole day of meetings tomorrow and I’d honestly rather just be in a sex cult than have to talk about budget cuts.

Using my core strength to sit upright, like a sucker?!! I will take a hard pass on that one, thanks!

I hate drinking cold drinks without a straw so I bought some stainless ones and I carry them in my bag. I just take them home and run them through the dishwasher.

Ooh there could be a big number when Lagerfeld signs the infernal parchment.

Could we call him “Boss”? Because that would really bring my childhood full circle.

Actual answer to the statement posed in the title of the article.

Remember though, a puppy isn’t just for Christmas.

I did a paper on her and learned that people liked to save their loved ones body parts. Hearts, hair, skin once the loved one died. She had an abundance of creepy crap to be inspired by. Nonetheless, she birthed the sci-fi genre. She’s the boss

I just want you all to imagine what Fox news is like right now in a universe where Obama is;

I keep picturing a wild Gwyneth Paltrow bachelorette party as one where everyone eats carbs and gluten.

All 1st Amendment Rights are equal, though some are more profitable than others...

I am pretty sure it said day 479 or something like that, when they flash forward from the opening scene to the bulk of the movie. Which actually makes some parts weirder. Oh, wait, this is Jez. I’m gray here! Yes! I can rant without spoiling. If you’re actually reading this, and you don’t want spoilers, run away, run