Did no one else see and snigger at this bit of the sales pitch? “Your zipper is now smart, useful and social. It’s a 1 inch pen that extends to 4 inches - great way for making new friends.” Hey jacketman, no one cares about your penboner
Did no one else see and snigger at this bit of the sales pitch? “Your zipper is now smart, useful and social. It’s a 1 inch pen that extends to 4 inches - great way for making new friends.” Hey jacketman, no one cares about your penboner
Love that song. I have a special rock lobster hand-dance that I have to do though when I hear it. So it's a good thing I'm sat alone in the garden with my earworm
““This one says it has a smoother applicator, wouldn’t that be good?”” So sweet!!! And the sort of thing my husband does. Over helping but so well intentioned
I LOVE this article! Tbh I always feel a bit relieved when I hear that wrapper rustle from another cubicle - kind of “we’re all in this together”. BUT I feel embarrassed about carrying my handbag to the loo at work (across open plan office) when I’m having my period - not a tampon, not a pad, just my gd handbag…
“Be kind”. Lovely advice whatever the number involved. People are people, not orifices.
Best friend and I were sat next to each other in geography class at 11 thanks to alphabetic order by surname. I had a headband that was too small and would ping off at times. She would always get hauled up to the front for talking, not me! 32 years later, through divorces, living in different countries, we’re closer…
I love your rationales!!
Pretty things need dusting (bleugh), wine and choc are for sharing. Scarves are presents for people you don't know well, like a fancy candle . IMHO
My husband came home with flowers on Friday night because he saw them in the supermarket and thought I’d like them. I welled up because it’s not something that he does all the time - it was just a simple way of saying he was thinking of me and wanted me to feel happy. Tl; Dr if they know you like flowers and bring…
Wherever I’m travelling through London by myself on the tube I pretend I’m a spy with some earth shatteringly important documents in my bag rather than a PowerPoint presentation. I walk briskly and try to avoid cameras
What?? How??
Starred for twatwaffles
Yup. And I cry when I tell people about our wedding too. Which sounds bad - but just so much emotion tied up in one evening. I knew I would cry as I do at (even tv) weddings and also that I’d naturally rush up aisle (city paced walker). So I did the step, step, step slow it down walk while smiling like a loon to…
Me too! And it was too small for that hand so he had a job swapping it over. Only told me a few months after!
The mouth part of my face surely
More than you’ll be talking to in a year’s time seems like a good answer. I had one - my goddaughter, aged 7 at the time - and my two best friends as my MOH. Worked out perfect. Esp as I only had to find one bridesmaids dress on eBay - laura Ashley, £5. She wore it to every party afterwards for 2 years then her sister…
I’ve baked quite a few American cake recipes found online that use oil - and I’ll give them this, it’s a lot easier than creaming sugar and butter! In fact if I need to cook a cake urgently at 10pm (due to disorganisation rather than late night cravings. mostly.) I’ll seek out recipes or my cookbooks from the U.S. as…
love this!
thank you. That image, so casually described, has made up for the rest of my day.
weirdly I have a perfect cupids bow naturally. Whenever I put lippy on, my husband says I look like a doll and he's right (and that's not a good look at 40+) - it's a good look in b/w films but really odd these days. There's something about how our "ideal" proportions for facial features changes - is it led by makeup…