
in my 20s (20 years ago) I used to have random people (delivery men, strangers in the street) stop to say "has anyone told you you look like Emma Thompson?". Which at the time was a bit depressing as a) she wasn't (considered) that hot then and b) I really couldn't see any resemblance. In recent years she's been

I regularly have to explain to Big Cat that "my cat is sad" is not a valid excuse for me missing work. He doesn't buy it (I'm maybe not that convinced myself)

if it's what I grew up with as Russian Salad, it's like chunky vom

my technique for dealing (I had to move out of our home and give up our cats, then my dad died suddenly later that year then I got made redundant from a job I loved) with my shittiest 12 months ever was to stop trying. Just say yes to everything, let life (God, the universe whatever you like to call it) shape itself.

I remember that ....."no" conversation

my mother used to run a business that did just that - supplied qualified people to do childcare at weddings and other big parties

wow. Are they spendy people generally or was this the one Really Big Thing they wanted?

nicely targeted question. Please though for us cheapskates can we have a "lowest cost per head" bragfest though at some point 😉

my adult stepson is moving back in with us. Because apparently he can't find a place while he's living with his ex. It's not even happening til the weekend and Mr B is already so very very snappish about it. I am so not looking forward to the next few weeks

you are having a crappy time - for which I send Internet hugs. But you are also funny - for which I thank you.

I snorted tea out of my nose at the cat image

Very magpie-esque! :-)

nope, my mother feels the same. makes her feel slightly claustrophobic. Same with earrings. Fortunately I inherited the urge to pile it all on from my grandmothers

Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee says it's against religion to pay sex abuse victims

Housework is the best foreplay

you do give us such good stuff to talk about

what, for real??? It's at the *Gaylord* Convention Center?

You beat me to it :-)

WHAT???? You have such a treat in store

I shuddered just reading that